A situation of some uncertainty

To the scholars, sages and learned folk of the allied Bastions:

My greetings to you all in these troubled times. To say that we, the civilized races of Laerthan are under extraordinary stress is to severely understate the point. However, just as there can be no movement forward without the exertions of those willing to push, so too can there be no understanding without the attentions of those willing to seek it. To that end, I extend this invitation: journey as you can to the Bastion of Finn Castle. Here both myself and the incomparable Professor Ash are engaged with the study of astonishing and exciting new developments in the field of ritual magic, both Earth and Celestial in aspect. If you are willing to work diligently for modest compensation and with an uncertain degree of danger then you are most welcome to join us in our efforts to unlock the most recent and intriguing mysteries that the world of magic itself has to offer.

-Lord Justicar Francis Southkin
Lord Justicar Francis Southkin,

Excuse me, but I have a simple question.
Dose one have to be able to cast the ritual magics of either school in order to assist you in your endevors?

-Avalon Willowcrest
Lord Justicar Southkin,
Once this letter's posted, I'll be on my way! I'll be happy to help out any way I can.
~Caillen Taggert
Lord Justicar Southkin,

I would be very interested in helping. While I have not learned magic thoroughly enough to cast Formal Magics, I am very interested in learning. I also have a particular interest in constructs. I seem to recall you appearring in Chiram's Hollow in the form of a construct that I have never seen before. If you are still looking for help, Please consider what humble skill I can offer.

Duorn Bronzebeard
Lord Justicar Francis Southkin,

Thank you for answering my question.
While I would like to help, I am not sure as of yet when I am returning to the Deadlands.

-Avalon Willowcrest
Lord Justicar Southkin,
If I can be of any help let me know.
Guild Mistress
Celestial Guild of the Hollow