A Tiny Taste of New Site Goodness

This is not our new site, it's just far too beautiful! So much potential! I can't wait to see it in person.
Oh you tease...

I am getting more and more excited with each new bit of information! Keep it coming!
Hey who's beautiful voice was that? And I know you have more videos, my favorite is of the basement.
After watching the video, I want to know what was to the left of the sinks and window to the outside! Is there more counter space/ kitchen?
I would also love to see what the 'tavern space' looks like beyond just the kitchen! I hope we won't be cramming everyone in there all the time! :thumbsup:
Yeah, the gallery tends to annoy me too...
Some 'manly' elf you are Dave; Asher would never get dropped by a single spider. No sir, no way no how.
Whilst that picture of David getting spider'd is awesome...

We want more site pictures!
I have more but Dave won't let me post them yet. He's being mean.
DracoIam said:
I have more but Dave won't let me post them yet. He's being mean.
That's why you do it without his consent! :thumbsup:
But he might get mad at me and rez gorka... again
So he'll rez Gandian...?
The giant spiders only have the upper hand until I finish perfecting the giant snakes!
The LARP mom is so excited - was just doing the happy dance while watching Andrea's video. I went shopping and got lots a stuffs for the pretty kitchen. I have the griddle to bring, 2 large canning kettles, 4 nice large fry pans, a tea kettle, a couple of stainless platters, some stainless steel bowls in varying sizes, Cascade gel packets for the dishwaher, a 17 piece kitchen starter set, and several wicker baskets for rolls or fruit or what not. Now to go grocery shopping for all that lovely pantry.

Remember everyone to maybe bring a couple of folding chairs and tables, just until we get some benches and tables built.
Just saying- If anyone is looking for "donation" ideas, we will need a couple of brooms (push and regular) dust pans, mop pail and mop.

I have a bunch of dish cleaning stuff already put together.