My fellows in Fairdale,
In our month of September I vill make my vay to your lands vith a small entourage. I have hear that der vill be a tournament and a festival during our time der. I vish to ask one vith knowledge of de area, de local customs, de peoples of de lands, dangers dat von may find and about de tournament itself. If von vould be so kind as to either send me a pigeon or de like I vould be eternally gratefull. I could offer, in exchange, a sampling of my fine vines, fine stories, songs and company.
I vould also like to know if der be members of the Romani about dat I might connect vith vhile I travel der? Never so good but to connect vith my ever large familia.
Maxwell Maximus Malldavia-Moore
A Player of the Games, A Healer of de Peoples, A Singer of de Songs, An Interpreter of de Dreams, A Maker of de Vines, A Jester of the Jokes and an all around Good Guy!
In our month of September I vill make my vay to your lands vith a small entourage. I have hear that der vill be a tournament and a festival during our time der. I vish to ask one vith knowledge of de area, de local customs, de peoples of de lands, dangers dat von may find and about de tournament itself. If von vould be so kind as to either send me a pigeon or de like I vould be eternally gratefull. I could offer, in exchange, a sampling of my fine vines, fine stories, songs and company.
I vould also like to know if der be members of the Romani about dat I might connect vith vhile I travel der? Never so good but to connect vith my ever large familia.
Maxwell Maximus Malldavia-Moore
A Player of the Games, A Healer of de Peoples, A Singer of de Songs, An Interpreter of de Dreams, A Maker of de Vines, A Jester of the Jokes and an all around Good Guy!