A traveler seeks advice


My fellows in Fairdale,

In our month of September I vill make my vay to your lands vith a small entourage. I have hear that der vill be a tournament and a festival during our time der. I vish to ask one vith knowledge of de area, de local customs, de peoples of de lands, dangers dat von may find and about de tournament itself. If von vould be so kind as to either send me a pigeon or de like I vould be eternally gratefull. I could offer, in exchange, a sampling of my fine vines, fine stories, songs and company.

I vould also like to know if der be members of the Romani about dat I might connect vith vhile I travel der? Never so good but to connect vith my ever large familia.

Maxwell Maximus Malldavia-Moore

A Player of the Games, A Healer of de Peoples, A Singer of de Songs, An Interpreter of de Dreams, A Maker of de Vines, A Jester of the Jokes and an all around Good Guy!

I think you will find a strong Romani community in Fairdale and they will likely be happy to speak with you (if they haven't already).

--- Baron Ivan Drake of Blythedale

Then, of course, there's ones like me who just love Rom as a matter of principle. Especially if they're wearing lots of shiny bits that i can protect. If it's not too hot, and if Big Z let's me go, i just might check out the tourney thing.

You vill be velcomed viz open armz. I 'ave heard your voiz before and know you are ov kind heart. My zizter and I vould be 'appy to zow you around Fairdale.
May you fair vell.

Lanna Rose

It is vonderful to here zhat you vill be coming! You vill certainly receive a varm velcome, both from zhe several Romani zhat vill most likely be present, as vell as many others in zhe area who so visely love us.

I shall send you a letter vith some of zhe information you seek, and I vould certainly be delighted to rendevous vith you somevhere and guide you zhe rest of the vay into Fairdale vhen zhe time comes. My varda is open to you to rest your veary feet or join in caravan.

Mora e familia, my friends and family, it looks like ve should prepare for a party!

-Natalia Gallonovitch
Ve zould 'ave a party. Vone for all the familia zat vill be zere and vone for you all dealing viz ze donimion.
Vell zen join Vynter and I zaturday night ven ve zing in ze tavern. Ve juz vant to bring zome peaz into ze tavern even iv it iz juz for vone night. Zen ve can all drink and 'ave fun after.
It is good to 'ere zat moreof our famillia join us in Fairdale. As both my sister Lanna and my cousin Natalia said, ve 'ave nosing but warm 'earts and good drink waitng for you ven you arrive!

A party indeed!!! Roma party anyone? I shall bring zee drinks and a few of Mama's secret recipies! As vell as my fiddle and my voice! I can't wait for za famillia to sing and dance as vee once did before all zis trouble started!

I offer a sweeping compliment to all Romani and I don't even get so much as a "Thank-you for the sentiment, MaDCap, ol' boy". SHEESH. And from Natalia and Wynter, too. Just see if I protect your shiny bits next time! ;)

Aw, frak. Who'm I kidding? Of course I'll protect your shiny bits.

My sisters,

I thought dat I could not look more forvard to my journey, as I love to travel, but know now dat I am overjoyed at de prospect. My heart sings as I look vith anticipation to meeting and greeting vith all of you my kin. Vith you, and your Ge'Je companions, I shall share da stories, da song and da vine. It is good to know dat I vill have true Romani hospitality to look forvard to and I can count da days down till ve meet. I could have not asked for anything better.

I also thank those who have given me insight to da lands of Fairdale and I also look forvard to da festivities to be found der. More than likely I shall be sending back letters and pigeons vith more questions vithin de next few days, I hope dat you don't mind.

Maxwell Maximus Maldavia-Moore
Ve look forvard to meeting you too. It iz not very often ve zee male Roma around Fairdale. Be ready for a good party and lotz ov fun. And iv you vish to join my zizter and me ve are zinging zaturday night during dinner time. Feel free to join in viz uz.

Lanna Rose

My Dear! I am so sorry for not sanking you! Ofcourse vee vill be looking forward to seeing you at zee party too, no? And you know I alvays like zee conversations ve 'ave togeser between battles!

That's more like it. My faith has been restored. hehehe
