Parked in a better-lit table in the tavern, Evo takes a drink from his tankard. With a dark frown and obsessive concentration, he takes pen to parchment. When at last the draft is finished, he makes copies of the missive himself, wanting no errors in scribing from a second hand. He posts a copy on the wall of notices, once again covering Garridan's poster with something of importance.
Evo departs the tavern, bringing his copies with him to find a messenger.
To all interested in the welfare of Kingdom and Land,
A plague threatens all, and it must be stopped now. With haste we must unravel the latest curse of Kara Vale, through gathering a number of curious reagents and performing a ritual to undo her foul magic.
The following items were used in the ritual, and must be countered by their opposites. Any insights or corrections to the proposed counters are welcome, as we must be fully certain before invoking our own magics.
In addition, any artifacts or persons holding the power of Life or Purification should be considered essential for this magic. Please bring any insights into the above list or any items that might fit their description to me as quickly and safely as possible. If you wish to offer your wit, your strength, or your magical power, celestial or of the Earth, know that your aid is welcomed.
- Tongue of a Traitor: Countered by the Heart of a Hero? "The tongue is the means by which one generally becomes a traitor. What would guide its opposite? A Traitor is vilified, a Hero is revered..."
- Marrow of a Dragon: Countered by the Feather of a Griffin? Blood of a Griffin? "Griffins are equally as intimidating and amazing creatures as dragons, but different in their construction. Marrow is the beginnings of blood in all creatures..."
- the Song of a Banshee: Countered by A Dying Breath? "It is told that the Banshee's wail signifies an impending death. Only upon the last breath for whom she cries does her song cease as well."
- the Rage of a Son: Countered by A Family's Reconciliation? The Love of a Mother? "We are all sons or daughters to our parents, whether or not we always see eye-to-eye. Though when we do, it can be a source of joy for all..."
In service to the realm,
Evo Escariot, Lore Teacher, Magistrate pro tempore in Parson's Breach
Evo departs the tavern, bringing his copies with him to find a messenger.