A Voice in the Dreaming


New Hampshire Staff
*a draconic voice oozes through the dream realm*

Soldiers of Cinderfel and remnants of the Kotor Tribes, this game you play at pretending you can weather my forces grows tiresome. My quarrel is not with you, nor your kingdom, but the Beasts of Mer that you would seek to defend and shelter. I have no desire to kill any of you, only for you to stand aside so I can root my quarry from their hiding places, particularly those that have taken shelter in Caliway Forest. In two weeks time my forces will be marching en masse to claim that ground, and any ground the Beasts of Mer flee to from there. As I said, I have no desire to kill any of you. If you stand aside this need not result in your deaths. If your pride or “honor” dictates you must stand in my way… I invite you to try with what might you are able to muster. I promise you, I can muster more.

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