A Warning About Packets


Wisconsin Staff
Alright, folks, I had hoped never to write a post like this but we have reached that point.

Packets *cannot* be made with the following:
  • Sunflower seeds (hulled or unhulled)
  • Cracked corn
  • Peanuts
  • Anything pointy
We have made this announcement every PC talk for almost 2 years now and this last market was by far the worst. We found at least one packet made entirely of sunflower seeds. Approximately 50 packets were found to be bad this weekend because they contained one of the above items. This is after having found, at a previous event, more than one packet made out of purely cracked corn.

Please check your packets. I know many of you make your own and know what goes into them but during a fight, you pick up what is around you and do not know what was put into those packets. Check them.

This is a danger to everyone who plays in our chapter.

If we have another event where we find more than a handful of issue packets, the following event will require a complete checking of all packets you bring to the event by a marshal before throwing any packets.

Thank you for your understanding,
ALW Owner