A warning to Sarr in the area


Brothers and Sisters,

Their is a group in the area hunting our kind for the skins. They seem a cowardly bunch, attacking only lone Sarr right now.

To the townsfolk and fellow Adventurers
Any information leading to the capture of these hunters will be rewarded in whatever fashion I can accomodate.

Good Hunting,
..that is almost enough to make me consider travelling there to do so myself..

Eh..find them and destroy them..make them choke on the fur they so wish, with a fist attached to it.
Rest assured, they were dealt with in a manner befitting their crime. As far as we know we got the main group, and slew them to the man. However, we will always welcome more Sarr up to our lands.

Feel free to visit this coming fall, there is always more work to be done.

Lately I am very busy, if not a bit baffled by recent events..there are still some things I need to get in order before I travel too far off.

It is good to hear that these "hunters" have been dealt with. I assume you've strewn their entrails about the town like garland?
Heh, your methodology will be very welcome up here Tsuku.

Unfortunately, I would not be bothered to spend any more time on the creatures. We ritually burned the skins of our fallen and left the hunter's, or what was left of them, to the crows.
Hrm..providing nothing too out of the ordinary happens between now and the next gather, I may be traveling that way..
Very glad to hear that they were dealt with sharply. I may no longer wear my proper form, but it is a necessary thing that those who would hunt Gorbe for sport learn that the hunter can easily become the hunted.

It is likely that they would. Let us hope that we have slain enough of them so we do not find out.

Hiroti Arai