As we work to prepare for the 2012 season, one of our tasks is updating the players handbook. In order to make it the best it can be I'm placing the following bounty for anyone that enjoys pointing out my lack of skill with the English language.
First review our PHB, located here ->
Next send your corrections to for our review
For the First person to find each error, We are offering the follow bounties!
Misspelling or Incorrect words - 5 Goblins per.
Inconsistencies - For example on page 15 it says Elves like green socks, but on page 18 it says they love red socks - 25 Goblins per. - Please note, for inconsistencies please only note PHB specific problems, not things you might have encountered from npcs talking in game etc.
Commas - People loving complaining about commas so...-1 Goblin per.
Other Things I haven't thought of - 1-25 Goblins per.
First review our PHB, located here ->
Next send your corrections to for our review
For the First person to find each error, We are offering the follow bounties!
Misspelling or Incorrect words - 5 Goblins per.
Inconsistencies - For example on page 15 it says Elves like green socks, but on page 18 it says they love red socks - 25 Goblins per. - Please note, for inconsistencies please only note PHB specific problems, not things you might have encountered from npcs talking in game etc.
Commas - People loving complaining about commas so...-1 Goblin per.
Other Things I haven't thought of - 1-25 Goblins per.