about that gaming site post a while back..

i forget who was buying land and hoping to turn it into a gaming site, and i don't remember even where it was, but that sounds lke a fantastic opportunity..unfortunately i don't have money to pitch in or i would gladly invest in that, but i like the idea of a site that could be rented out for different larps..i'm running a vampire the masquerade larp and it'd be SO cool to have a venue that we could actually be in that was out of the way of the public and gave us the ability to be cinematic and interactive without worrying about the public schmoes freaking out.

IF someone is doing something like this, i may very well be able to invest my time and energy into physical labor and helping out with construction, landscaping, and/or decorating/set-up, bt i'd love to know about it.
Bryan (Polare) is the primary big brain working on the idea. It's somewhat up in the air, right now. If he doesn't respond here, I'll make sure and mention your interest when I see him tomorrow.

Yep, the idea is still on the table (as in my wife and I are setting aside money each month to collect for a down payment at the moment). I've looked at a number of sites and am continuing to do so.

I am hoping to buy a site by the end of summer and have construction finished in Spring of 2007 (note that that is a little later than my previous plans of midsummer purchase and January readiness).

What's holding me up right now? Time (in looking at sites) and money (I want to have a 20% down payment to avoid mortgage insurance, and we're not there yet for a $125,000 site). Offers of help are much appreciated and I will definitely be taking people up on them as soon as the purchase is completed and construction begins.

There will probably not be much news on this front for a couple of months until I have the down payment fully allocated and have looked at a few more sites. Then it'll be time to really go property shopping instead of just looking for ideas :)

Polare Lissenstine said:

Yep, the idea is still on the table (as in my wife and I are setting aside money each month to collect for a down payment at the moment). I've looked at a number of sites and am continuing to do so.

I am hoping to buy a site by the end of summer and have construction finished in Spring of 2007 (note that that is a little later than my previous plans of midsummer purchase and January readiness).

What's holding me up right now? Time (in looking at sites) and money (I want to have a 20% down payment to avoid mortgage insurance, and we're not there yet for a $125,000 site). Offers of help are much appreciated and I will definitely be taking people up on them as soon as the purchase is completed and construction begins.

There will probably not be much news on this front for a couple of months until I have the down payment fully allocated and have looked at a few more sites. Then it'll be time to really go property shopping instead of just looking for ideas :)


groovy, thanks for letting me know *s*
if it's in oregon it might be a little too far out of my way, but i guess we'll see *s* its a fantastic idea no matter what.
hey funny someone brought that up again. I have been talking with some of my construction buddies over the last few weeks and we think we may have come up with a cheap yet stable way to build cavern like structures as well as making them safe for boffer combat inside. Also I may be able to aquire cement at a fairly cheap cost. I'll start writing up everything so I have it ready for you when the time comes.

Marlann said:
hey funny someone brought that up again. I have been talking with some of my construction buddies over the last few weeks and we think we may have come up with a cheap yet stable way to build cavern like structures as well as making them safe for boffer combat inside. Also I may be able to aquire cement at a fairly cheap cost. I'll start writing up everything so I have it ready for you when the time comes.


That would be awesome - I've scratched my head over caverns and have come up with a few ideas, but I suspect yours might be better founded in experience :)

Please send them my way once you get them written up!

Cerulean Jax said:
if it's in oregon it might be a little too far out of my way, but i guess we'll see *s* its a fantastic idea no matter what.

I am currently looking for places within 2 1/2 hours or so of Seattle. My best areas so far look to be (a) around Randle (south of Tacoma); (b) Elma area (a bit west of Olympia); and (c) Toledo area (south of Olympia).
