About the National event...

I had fun at the last event, when I wasn't laying down with an ice pack on my bad leg (which is the main reason I didn't take a lot of pictures this time)... Heidi wasn't doing too well so we left early, and then my car broke down about half an hour from the site ... anyway, long story, so don't worry about it.

What I wanted to talk about was the National event which will be at the Faire Play site. While it's not technically an Ashbury event, we will be using Ashbury props and costumes and most of the NPCs will be our regulars.

I really want to set the standard high for this event. We need to let all the chapters know what kind of game we want to play! We want to be the example for all chapters. We want the game to be as in-game as possible, with great props, costumes, and atmosphere.

I bring this up because at the last event, we seemed to have two extremes. Some players and NPCs were absolutely awesome -- wonderful costumes, always in character, setting the bar very high for the rest of us.

And then some players and NPCs either didn't realize what we ask of them, or didn't care. A tabard over a t-shirt and baggy non-period shorts makes you look really out of place among all of the great costumes. (And, I might mention, means that I will never take your picture if that means anything to you.)

I know it gets hot, but you can get cheap period pants and shirts made of materials that breathe a lot better than the t-shirt and shorts you may have been wearing. And it means so much to the rest of the players when you join in and try to match their standards.

There were also way too many NPCs and PCs putting on headbands and eating in the tavern or just standing around watching the game. Sitting next to PCs in game on the deck and looking out at the field doesn't help set the mood very well. If you just want to relax and eat, NPC camp will gladly give you a townsperson to play, so you can be sitting there in-game.

So please -- everyone encourage your fellow players to raise their standards. You can help by donating black sweat pants to NPC camp. (I'd say to donate shirts, but we HAVE shirts NPCs can be wearing.) I'd ask all NPCs to say to your fellow NPCs "Hey, why not go back and find a better costume to wear? Come on, let's really make the PCs feel cool."

Thanks everyone!
As a side note. Gentlemen if you cannot fine in period looking pants find a local scrub store. Most of the unisex scrubs make great pants for alliance. Or you can order unisex pants from


If you plan on ordering unisex from this site GO DOWN A SIZE. Seriously. They are HUGE. Just figured I'd give you a cheaper alternative than ordering from a costume store.

That or $7 black sweats from JC Penny or sears....look....it can be done. I will be bringing as much of what I own as i can. We will see what I can do.

Joe S.