Acarthia (Denver) Maps


Hey All,

Not sure if these made it out into the wider world, but I'd made a few maps for the local Denver chapter, so I thought I'd share.

Links to larger size images under each thumb.

The Kingdom of Acarthia


Larger Version

The Barony of Acarthia


Larger Version

The Barony of Bayenna


Larger Version

The Barony of Rivervale


Larger Version

The Barony of Tiatar


Larger Version

The Barony of Warchester


Larger Version

The Barony of Epyxia


Larger Version

The High Ogre Homeland, Garthok


Larger Version

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I would love to see more of these in more chapters.
These are absolutely amazing, I am jealous. Excellent work.
Kudos to youdos. These are incredibly impressive.
What program did you use? I'd lvoe to be able to put out quality stuff like this.
Undrask said:
What program did you use? I'd lvoe to be able to put out quality stuff like this.

For these I used Adobe Photoshop and Adobe Illustrator.

Illustrator helps keep things tidy, as it is vector program, particularly when zooming in/out from the Kingdom level map, so that all the borders and features line up.

Photoshop is where most of the real grunt work takes place, from laying out the general geographical features to tiny bits of detail I like to hide in maps.

IMoriarty said:
Undrask said:
What program did you use? I'd lvoe to be able to put out quality stuff like this.

For these I used Adobe Photoshop and Adobe Illustrator.

Illustrator helps keep things tidy, as it is vector program, particularly when zooming in/out from the Kingdom level map, so that all the borders and features line up.

Photoshop is where most of the real grunt work takes place, from laying out the general geographical features to tiny bits of detail I like to hide in maps.

I have some practice to do. Thanks man!
Updated with Epyxia.
What are the colors for each Barony?

Acarthia (Kingdom): Red and Gold
Acrathia (Duchy): Green & Gold
Rivervale: Green & White
Tiatar: Purple & Black
Warchester: Black & Red
Bayenna: Green & Blue
Epyxia: Blue & White