Additional Event Announcement!


By request, we'll have a special plot team for an extra game on August the 24th-26th. Led by Nathan Klisch as well as many others (most of who are members of the keepers) will be hosting an event held in another section of our world. They will be assisted by Senior Staff volunteers to ensure this game meets our standards.

Since this is not our usual plot team a few notes.

1.) This game is as binding as any, any deaths/item loss etc. will count and be tracked.
2.) All rules for loot etc. will be followed, senior staff volunteers will be working with npc camp to assure this is done properly.
3.) This game will take place in a different area of the world than regular season games.
4.) Plot for this game will be mostly self contained, contacts, workshops and guilds from regular games will not be in appearence here.
5.) While some particular follow up might be done by the Plot team (who will receive an after event reports of possible things) Generally speaking expect all plot lines for this event to be single event in length.
6.) IBGAs etc. will not be available for this event/this event does not trigger another 'round' of IBGAs

Pricing for this game will be our standard amount.
Will the MI attunement rules change at all for this event?
I don't believe so Paul.

As per normal, all restricted items travel, LCO's need to be attuned with the exception of items with only the few listed affects.
While specifics need to be discussed, it is also fairly likely that Misty will be busy elsewhere, making attunement difficult.
Just to clarify, it will be in the "Sheltered Lands". So you will not be traveling through the mists to get to the location.
Bump, with some additional notes:

-Workshops are not available, but RP and trade may give you the opportunity to have access to workshops for second logistics period.
-The circles are outside the disjunctiion network and thus can not be used to disjunction from.
-Access to the circles will be found out in game, or on the in game boards.