Adrien mac Zibiah's Field Notes

Jack Y.

Assistant General Manager
These notes were prepared and left behind on a table in the Crow's Nest Tavern in Port Morgan, in hopes they would help others who traveled through portals from Barran or through the mists. (OOG Note: Please post here, or send me a direct message, if your character moves or removes any of the field notes.)

Adrien's field notes.png

Adrien's field notes(1).png

Adrien's field notes(2).png

Each page is on offwhite parchment paper with dark, handwritten plain text in a thin and minimally decorative style of writing.

Page 1: In larger handwritten text, the left-aligned header reads "Field Notes - Circles of Port Morgan" with a subheader "Recorded by Adrien mac Zibiah, Scholar, Onyx Wardens. Triage Instructor, Dawnhart Academy" An imperfect circle with lines radiating away from the outer edge rings four smaller concentric circles around a sketched crescent moon and asymmetrical field of eight lines with stars touching the crescent moon.

The body of the text is as follows -


The town of Port Morgan on the plane of Port Morgan has portals going to and from Barran each day here. It has been observed that one day on Port Morgan is the same time as two days on Barran.

We have strange fae Greater Earth and Celestial Circles here. They permit entry from anyone, to include creatures such as Redcaps. However, the circles seem to be sentient and will trap any inside who fight in the Earth Circle, or refuse to give payment for identification in the Celestial Circle. I used this to my personal advantage by trapping a Redcap within one, who then decapitated himself rather than wait for justice."

Page 2:
Header - "Field Notes - Threats of Port Morgan"

Body - "

These Redcaps often harass the Crow's Nest Tavern, painting their red caps with the blood of their victims. One of our own has decided that turnabout is fair play, and decorated one of the feathers in her tricorne hat with redcap blood.

The Redcaps also seem to be especially harmed by damage from weapons forged with iron. Magic may harm them but not especially so. Many of them use weapons and shields of their own that may be disarmed to great effect. Attempting to banish them from the plane has not been observed for its effectiveness. Some among them seem remarkably strong and make use of directed blasts of arcane energy that strike fear into their victims. There were a few observed that appeared to have tougher skin, and shrug off lesser attacks, even of iron weapons.

Fae Spiders:

They also seem to be especially harmed by iron, are able to teleport, and otherwise function much like spiders on Barran - binding others in webs while being able to easily pull from it themselves.

Generally, fae seem to take greater harm from weapons of iron and steel. They also seem resistant to command while using it themselves."

Page 3:
Header - "Field Notes - Strange Wines"
Body - "A rather meek-looking black-feathered fae with a short and dainty beak came to the Crow's Nest Tavern to sell bottles of various wines.

Redcap Wine:

I did not directly observe its use, but it was explained to me by one who drank it that it made him feel stronger but weaker at the same time. His swings were more robust and hit with greater force, but he felt he was taking greater harm from iron weapons than he otherwise may have.

Elf Wine:

After being offered this wine by Hera, I drank it before entering the plane of dreams. It gave me immunity to sleep, which was especially useful when attacked by nightmares. Unfortunately, I felt as though I was more susceptible to other commands and that my protectives would have no use against them.

Undead Wine:

The effects have not yet been observed, but we know for certain it does not cause one to become as an undead or have a necromantic effect. It seems to be just have a rather distasteful name."]