Adventurers Needed!!!


No Experience Needed! Free supplies! Paying Work!


The Peregrin Merchant Consortium is currently looking to hire adventurers of all ages to deal with a small bandit problem. Travel slightly east through the mists to our conclave. We will equip you, if needed, pay you for your time and offer discounts on all our wares. Scrolls, Potions, Gases, Traps, and Blacksmithing all at near-cost pricing for anyone who comes out to help.

As you all are aware the PMC supplies the most remote locations with basic items. We travel around to give that remote mage his potions, or that dark elf house some more gasses. Unfortunately some local ruffians are attempting to strongarm us into forced profit sharing. This raises our bottom-line and wont be tolerated any more!

We will have a small merchant camp set up to greet our visitors on the first of next month. Come help, earn some money and spend it right back on rock bottom pricing.

We are truly in need of your assisstance.

Spokesman for the Peregrin Merchant Company