After Action Report


I thought I'd loop the adventurers on this...


Brotherhood of the Light troops recently engaged a powerful undead. Creature type identified as a BANSHEE. The creature was first sighted in southern Tympany headed southbound. Brotherhood Members of the Earth Guild of Wayside engaged in the early part of the evening tonight near Thuddington and were supported by High Orcish warriors from the Rock-fist Tribe.

The engagement was brief and unsuccessful. Ringed by sundry skeletal and shambling undead the Banshee was capable of producing a death scream and un-phased by our attempts to slay her by either means of spell or weapon blows. The undead surrounding her re-spawning at an average rate of a major undead threat. The creature mounted no defense for a time simply walking by unperturbed by efforts to fell her before engaging with a salvo of spells and screams.

After a few minutes, lacking proper spell defenses, Brotherhood of the Light guardsmen disengaged.

Total casualties: 3 resurrections and 1 permanent death from High Orcish soldiers.
Total number of undead destroyed: 53 skeletal and shambling undead

Banshee whereabouts unknown last heading south at walking speed. Recommend extreme caution when engaging.


Brother Cole
Circle Defender and Grand Councilor Earth Guild of Wayside
Thank you for your warning fellow Grand Councilor. I do hope Old Hearth is spared from this. Also, not to ruffle any feathers, but the restructured branch is now known as, Guardians of the Light....

- Grand Councilor Cass Darrin
Potions and Non-Magical Pursuits Branch of the Greater Earth Guild of Terna
Brother Cole,

I am saddened to hear of your mens deaths. You have my condolences and thanks for the early warning.

Do you by chance have any information on the whereabouts of its point of origin?
If you get the free time i would like to speak with you.


Perhaps I can weigh in. There is little known of it's origin, and news of her only started a few weeks ago. I'm putting together a team to gather further information this week. I've faced quite a few undead in my day, and she'll end up like they all do, driven through my blade and put back into the ground by the end of it.

- Ser Eren Davis
Master in Guardians of the Light
I am heading out to investigate it myself. Perhaps i will see you out there.

An update,

I plan to take a selection of my best Guardians to make a final stand before this abomination makes her way through these lands. I've been preparring numerous magical items to aid in her destruction minus those of the celestial nature which my subordinates have that area covered. I'm confident that our strike force will remove this threat from our lands with haste. My unit will make our march to intercept her early morning 8 days from now before she arrives to the outskirts of Fairfax.

For the glory of the Guardians, for the glory of Fairfax and for the glory of my people, this witch shall be put down!

-Ser Eren Davis

Our scouts report that the banshee's path will likely lead it through the center of Westhaven within days. At this moment, Ser Eren Davis is preparing his Guardians to intercept the creature before she reaches the town. I have every confidence that we will soon be safe from this threat. Until then, however, you are advised to take shelter behind a Ward until the creature passes your respective areas. Those of you with access to a Ward spell, please aid your fellow citizens and cast it on a large building such as a barn, so that your neighbors and your livestock can be protected. If you cannot find a Warded shelter, for your own protection please evacuate your home and head south, away from the creature's path: the Fairfax militia patrolling the barony's border will direct you to a nearby shelter if possible. We will endeavor to inform you all when it is safe to return home.

--Baroness Neheris Fairfax
While it troubles me my men and I were unable to defeat the creature; I thank you from the bottom of my heart Adventurers of Fairfax, in removing the Banshee threat from these lands! You have done much for the Barony in your short time in these lands, and it is not without notice.

- Ser Eren Davis, Knight of Fairfax
Ser Davis,

While your men were unable to bring down this ghastly creature, the information your sacrifices bought led us to a short decisive victory against an opponent which otherwise would have overwhelmed us had we not had the means to destroy her.

I salute your example and willingness to step into grave danger.

I also wish to publicly salute Mr. Draco Ardel, forgive my spelling of your name. You are truly brave for scouting ahead and for tirelessly working to bring your racial weapon bear against the Banshee. It should be my honor to fight with you again Draco.


Jehan Wyldweaver