I thought I'd loop the adventurers on this...
Brotherhood of the Light troops recently engaged a powerful undead. Creature type identified as a BANSHEE. The creature was first sighted in southern Tympany headed southbound. Brotherhood Members of the Earth Guild of Wayside engaged in the early part of the evening tonight near Thuddington and were supported by High Orcish warriors from the Rock-fist Tribe.
The engagement was brief and unsuccessful. Ringed by sundry skeletal and shambling undead the Banshee was capable of producing a death scream and un-phased by our attempts to slay her by either means of spell or weapon blows. The undead surrounding her re-spawning at an average rate of a major undead threat. The creature mounted no defense for a time simply walking by unperturbed by efforts to fell her before engaging with a salvo of spells and screams.
After a few minutes, lacking proper spell defenses, Brotherhood of the Light guardsmen disengaged.
Total casualties: 3 resurrections and 1 permanent death from High Orcish soldiers.
Total number of undead destroyed: 53 skeletal and shambling undead
Banshee whereabouts unknown last heading south at walking speed. Recommend extreme caution when engaging.
Brother Cole
Circle Defender and Grand Councilor Earth Guild of Wayside
Brotherhood of the Light troops recently engaged a powerful undead. Creature type identified as a BANSHEE. The creature was first sighted in southern Tympany headed southbound. Brotherhood Members of the Earth Guild of Wayside engaged in the early part of the evening tonight near Thuddington and were supported by High Orcish warriors from the Rock-fist Tribe.
The engagement was brief and unsuccessful. Ringed by sundry skeletal and shambling undead the Banshee was capable of producing a death scream and un-phased by our attempts to slay her by either means of spell or weapon blows. The undead surrounding her re-spawning at an average rate of a major undead threat. The creature mounted no defense for a time simply walking by unperturbed by efforts to fell her before engaging with a salvo of spells and screams.
After a few minutes, lacking proper spell defenses, Brotherhood of the Light guardsmen disengaged.
Total casualties: 3 resurrections and 1 permanent death from High Orcish soldiers.
Total number of undead destroyed: 53 skeletal and shambling undead
Banshee whereabouts unknown last heading south at walking speed. Recommend extreme caution when engaging.
Brother Cole
Circle Defender and Grand Councilor Earth Guild of Wayside