Alchemical Wares Available at Sale Price!


New Hampshire Staff
((The following bulletin is found pinned on the tavern wall at Khar-Durai. The next evening, a similar announcement can be heard drifting pleasantly through the Dream Realm, with a light and lilting female voice (recognizable as Chelsea, for those who met her).))

Alchemical Wares Available at Sale Price!

Greetings to All Adventurers traveling through Myerston!
- And especially warm regards to those whom I met in the lost city of Nelinore.

My name is Chelsea of the Zigair tribe, and I find myself in these parts on business. Thanks to the assistance of some hearty and helpful adventuring folk, I have made it out of the cave collapse, and will now be able to continue my research and travel throughout this Isle more extensively.

But Myerston and its people have left an impression on me! I now have a fondness for the area, and wish to extend a special SALE of my wares, whenever I pass though!

50% off all Alchemical Products! (Gasses, Elixirs, and Coatings available!)

With my sincerest thanks to Grand, Jynx, Tom, Sprig, Myco, Minerva, and of course Gedin.

Just look for the sparkling blue gems and blue dress, and we’ll do business!

~Chelsea Zigair