Alchemy Workshop/Lab


Now that I have an alchemy workshop, will someone please direct me to where in the book or forums it states what exactly an alchemy lab consists of??

How many jars, bottles, etc.? Do we use petroleum jelly? Seems to me that wouldn't react well to plastic or latex weapons...

Thanks in advance for any direction folks can give :)
You have a workshop, basicly it doubles your Production Points. Discription starts on page 55 of the rulebook.

To represent that you have a workshop, you can have some vials, jars, crooks, etc etc on a table or you can just have a small suit case you work out of. That is all you need.

If you are talking about weapon coatings, we only pretend to apply the coating with a count. Other then that, petroleum jelly is only used as a contact poison.
Oh evil! Someone has an alchemy lab before I do?

*plots insidiously* :D

In all seriousness I can help you with any alchemy questions too if I'm around in game.

I like to use a 'brush' phys-rep to apply weapon coatings - but don't smear anything on someone else's weapon. I use a small basting brush. The book suggests its a possibility to smear petroleum jelly, but there's no reason to, affixing the tag is much better overall. (If you do use jelly for weapon coatings - the coating only lasts as long as the jelly itself does - which is very minimal. If you don't use the jelly it lasts 'indefinitely' which means it can last over several events if unused! So you not only save having to smear some icky stuff on a weapon, it also can potentially last longer too) If you don't have a brush with you - doing a 3 count "Applying coating 1, applying coating 2, applying coating 3" works just as well, but I personally believe the brush should be as much a required prop as a hammer & bandages for refit & first aid, so I try to use them :)

The only time you'd want to use petroleum jelly is for some kind of temporary contact thing where you are trying to trick them into it - and the only thing I can think of that players have for that is Paste of Stickyness (Plot team has 'contact poisons', but players can't make those). Anything else can be rped amicably and both players can agree on the resolution and no need to actually smear anything with nasty oil-based gunk (even paste of stickiness, if you want to glue someone who is unconscious to the table or something - you just tell the player you are using it - I considered doing that to one NPC a few events back who was sleeping and wasn't sure when he'd wake up)

One thing about the 'alchemy lab' physrep - Portability (the suitcase suggestion) works - but the main 'components' of the lab are somehow 'tied' to parson's breach (heavy equipment etc). If a session were to be held anywhere but parson's breach (or wherever you based the lab) you couldn't use it if you were in an event that takes place somewhere else. They are location dependant. Having a 'table' set aside in your cabin works well - there are no specific requirements for the phys-rep, it's more of an RP thing. The stuff I may have shown you in August or September are stuff ready for my workshop - the beeswax candles, the incense, the mortar & pestle, the large plastic 'jars' and the 'flavouring salts' (which is really just strawberry coolaid) and various dried herb leaves. I keep it all with me when I RP working, but I don't actually have the 'workshop' in game yet (Laront was going to sponsor one for me, but I'm now not sure if that's still part of the plan as things have kind of been up in the air with Math lately).
Alrighty... I have acquired several funky jars, bottles & containers to add to my mortar & pestle as well as other bits I already had set-up in my tent. No suitcae, but found a nifty carpet bag that'll do the trick.

Until Nadia or Artie or Math return I'm the highest ranked alchemist in town. When one (or all 3) return it might get complicated, but I'm confident in my rp abilities to muddle through.

Thanks again for the direction Abbey & Justin-- see ya in 23 days! :thumbsup:
I suspect you might be higher ranked than Math - that's why I was 'cursing you' jokingly above :D

(I wound up 'rounding out' my character more than expected and dabbling in weird ways - I'm not pure alchemy. I won't even have alchemy 10 for Journeyman by next event unless my San Francisco Blankets go through) I didn't know Artie was an alchemist (IG or OOG - though thinking about what his class likely is that makes sense - is that metagaming too much?)

My favourite store in calgary for 'alchemy stuff' is The Beehive in Kensington - that's where I get all my beeswax and honey (and my potion bottle necklaces and a few other miscellaneous things) - if you go there tell the Staff Justin says HI :D Also Eau Claire has a lot of stores that lean in the New Age/Pagan/Old World direction - wish I could remember the names - but there's an egyptian themed store with a ton of cool stuff (That's where I got my Mortar & Pestle. Was about 20 bucks - but it was 'worn' on the inside like it had seen lots of use - but as a 'functional' prop it was well worth it!)

OOH - have you ever seen the table outside of Nadja's tent with all the bottles of random stuff? That's her workshop phys-rep.