All things tournament

Jesse Grabowski

Greetings folks!
Since so many of you have been asking about all things tournament... I have decided to answer you all at 12:55 AM.

Order of Events and Locations:

Saturday 11:00 AM - Presentation of Colors - Archery Field
Hunt Lists distributed to all
Immediately to follow- Combat- Archery Field
Immediately to follow- Archery- guess where
Saturday at 5 bells- Spellcasters Battle- Archery Field

Saturday at 8 Bells- Entertainment- The Red Dragon Inn
Immediately to follow- Riddles- The Red Dragon Inn

Sunday at 11 Bells- Race- Archery field
Immediately to follow- Hero's Battle- Archery Field
Immediately to follow- Hunt List items turned in/Superlatives- Archery Field
Thanks Jessie! I for one am really looking forward to the tournament and think it will be a lot of fun thanks for sending out the information.
No way to move the Hero's Battle to Saturday? *sad*
3 v 3 combat is Saturday if you are looking for your combat fix. I like the Heros Battle being at the end as you are less likely to hold back in case the town gets attacked.
It just means that our team's Hero likely won't be there for it.