alliance 2030- in the dark future there is only war

okay so i was in the shower this morning and had what i think could be a superb idea for a small offshoot/ between real games alliance event. Alliance 2030, more or less it is the world in the far future where all the land is taken up by the larger nations, and thus open war for resources is happening. OOG it would be a very modified game to use airsoft weapons in place of boffer ones. I am not sure if there are any other people who like myself do both, but it is an idea i would like to float out there.
these are some mods for the rules i thought up, please keep in mind these are in no way balanced, just ideas at this point.

1 every weapon prof or backstab will change over to X grenades
2 every X earth spells will change to X revives of downed players
3 every X celestial spells will translate to X extra mid-cap mags
4 dagger= pistol, one hand blunt= smg, one hand edge= assault rifle ect

another idea would be to simply reassign build to a new set of classes and such, allowing for a new 2030 character.
as of now this is only an idea, please feel free to float out any additions, comments, or condemnations you have.
eh seems to me if you want to design a wargame, there would be better places to start then trying to modify our system, and if you just want to keep relative levels, just make the new game use build....
you do have a point, a new system would lend to a cleaner game over all. more than anything i guess this idea was to offer something new to try out in between alliance games in the upper midwest. for that reason i put it in the off topic forum for people to look at, and see if there is any interest.
also an idea, however paintball would cut down on the costuming side of things, i was hoping for a more in depth environment rather then just setting up a "special Rules" game. the feel i was going for would be along the lines of a cyber/steam punk. With the set-up of some of the "stalker" airsoft games, if anyone has been to/seen one.
GabrielDigreoni said:
also an idea, however paintball would cut down on the costuming side of things, i was hoping for a more in depth environment rather then just setting up a "special Rules" game. the feel i was going for would be along the lines of a cyber/steam punk. With the set-up of some of the "stalker" airsoft games, if anyone has been to/seen one.

They have the post -apocalyptic zombie larps that use air soft, but the Ohio site also hosts a "Wild West" larp with the air soft guns...
There is a LARP out there based on Shadowrun... I think its based in Indy if memory serves. Looked like a lot of fun.

shadow run is basically Cyber Punk D&D. the story goes that the native american's were pretty pissed about being wiped out and eventually they got together and did some kind of hoojoo dance and brought back magic to the world in the late 20th century (i think). People's children then began to be born as Elves, orcs, trolls, etc.

You can play all kinds of races and classes which combine magic and technology. usually though, the more tech you have, the less magic, and vice versa.. plus, since it's cyberpunk, you can have all kinds of neat cyberware like a cybernetic arm, or eyes, or whatever, but the more you get, the less of a "soul" you have and bad stuff can happen.

I haven't played it in years, but I own nearly all of the 3rd edition books (the last good edition). probably my second fav. RPG of all time.
I just got into Shadowrun myself. It's story is tight, but the mechanics have a bit of a learning curve. Once you've got the basics though it runs very smoothly.

My current shadowrunner is an elven pikey bareknuckle boxer. Maybe I've seen Snatch too many times.
heh.. the rules take a bit to get used to, but it's actually a good system. Rule of 6 for the win!

until you start screwing around in the matrix.... then all bets are off.
Agreed I loved SR3 but I couldnt get folks to sit down long enough to figure out the system.

SR is great but if your looking for true post apocalyptic and a great system, I reccomend Deadlands Hell On Earth by Pinnicale
Gamma World 2ed FTW!
Another great post apocolyptic setter is "The End". It takes place after the Rapture, and PC's are just regular people who, forwahtever their sin was, were not accepted into paradise.

God is gone, and the world is reverting to a pre historical state. Technology not activly maintained falls apart rapidly and the forests and natural parts of the world are taking the land back by force. Giant, primordial versions of regular animals terrorize landscape. Its a cool setting. To quote the game's tag line:

In the end, the meek shall inherit the earth....poor bastards.

That is one of the most chilling games I have ever Played in.

If this is something that actually takes off, I know of two people that would be game for it and help supply weapons, they have enough to outfit a group or team.

Me... I'll stick to foam-wrapped plumping supplies, those pellets can freakin' hurt! Then again, I bruise easy.