Alliance Holiday Party


Hey I just realized this post never made it up on the Seattle Board. So here it is:

December 11th, 5pm - whenever people are done

JP and I are throwing a December Holiday (Christmas, Hanukkah, JP-is-Awesome-Day, whatever) party for Alliance players and staff folks at our house in Corvallis, OR. We'll be cooking up a roast ham and assorted accouterments, having party games, and otherwise enjoying one another's company in a very out-of-game fashion. If people wish, a five-dollar donation to go towards defraying the cost of food and such would be appreciated, but is in no way required.

For activities, there may be some Foosball, some darts, some card games, some Charades, some backyard sparring, and so on. There will also be a white elephant-like gift exchange: people taking part in it are asked to provide a wrapped gift that may be used as an in-game prop (cups, plates, candles, banner, sign, you decide, whatever), with a $10 spending limit.

Anywho, y'all are invited! If people are driving far, or have reason to not be driving late at night, couch and/or floor space will be provided. We may even be able to scrounge up an inflatable mattress or two. And maybe we will even make breakfast the next day.

It would be great to see those who can make it. I don't get to hang out with nearly enough of you guys out of game.


PS. Our address is 3312 NW Satinwood St, Corvallis OR.