Alliance HQ April Event - Hard Core Warning


For all of those planning to attend the April event, we would like you to be aware of the following issues.

It is very possible the April event will be cold. It may be very cold. The temperature up in the mountains of Pennsylvania can run 15-20 degrees colder than southern PA/NY and NJ. If it is very cold, we may not be able to turn on the showers.

There are currently no real provisions for getting warm at the site. Please plan accordingly.
We hope to have three cabins that will sleep 8-10 by the event, but even if we do, they will not be insulated or have electricity yet. If there are severe weather issues, we might not have them by that time. We will know for sure by the weekend before the event at the latest and let everyone else know as soon as we know..

The roof of the barn has been repaired and the back tavern and common room walls have been closed off.

It is also very likely to be very muddy and wet and we will probably be in the middle of a spring thaw. Keep this in mind and bring extra socks, clothes, shoes, etc. Battles and outside modules may be very messy. We will also endeavor to run more encounters in the tavern and basement if necessary.

There are plans to make the site more cold weather friendly, but it's going to take time, work and money. Please bear with us while we strive to build the site to its potential.

The bottom line is, this is going to be a hardcore event. It might be very cold. It will almost definitely be muddy. Plan your attendance accordingly.

Thank you in advance for your understanding,

General Manager - Alliance HQ
Hand warmers, toe warmers and sleeping bag warmers. That is my "hard core" strategy. Still working on the "nose" warmer. Thinking ski mask.

I look forward to this weekend!

Baaah, if we Minnesotan's (and Iowan visitors) can Have an event in literally the middle of a blizzard, surely you east coasters can take a little bit of chill weather? :geek:
Cold isn't the problem - it's having somewhere to warm up again. That's the thing to keep in mind. I'll run around in sub-freezing temps if I have somewhere warm to go afterward.
I was obviously jes poking fun. :mrgreen:
Oh I know. :)

I'll normally take a cold weather game over a 100 degree game any day.

I am reserving one outlet in NPC camp for my electric blanket. HoP called dibs, so there.
There is a pretty good checklist in the Newbie section of this message board that I would recommend cross-checking against your own lists of what to bring!

Extra socks, extra layers and changes of clothing are highly recommended!

See you guys there!

--- Eric Stehle / Ivan Drake
Hey... for those who are NOT totally hard core and prefer the comforts of a warm hotel room, I recommend this place:

Mastroserio's Inn Family Restaurant and Pizzaria
Montrose, PA
(570) 278-9284

You can get 2 double beds for 56.00/night. If you split that among 4 people it is 28.00 for the weekend.

The Innkeeper said that she has quite a few rooms available for the April 4-6 weekend, but I would make a reservation early in case they fill up.

From what another Alliance player said who stayed there last year--the rooms are clean but old. So you aren't getting a luxury suite here, but you get a warm bed, private bathroom and heated room. And I think the hotel is within 15 minutes of the site.

- J

Will the ground at FairPlay be able to support a tent for the event. I know the ground can get very hard in the cold months, and wouldn't want to leave home without a pick axe or something for the ground.
Ezri said:
Oh I know. :)

I'll normally take a cold weather game over a 100 degree game any day.

I am reserving one outlet in NPC camp for my electric blanket. HoP called dibs, so there.

What a flagrant abuse of power!

I'm so proud of you :-)
Octaine said:

Will the ground at FairPlay be able to support a tent for the event. I know the ground can get very hard in the cold months, and wouldn't want to leave home without a pick axe or something for the ground.

I'd be surprised if you couldn't find somewhere to set up. It's more likely the ground might be too soft and/or wet. But there are areas that drain pretty well, so you can probably find somewhere to set up. We will be up at the site the weekend before so will let everyone know what conditions are like as accurately as possible. But of course, weather is weather. Let's hope March goes out like a lamb like it's supposed to.

Duke Frost said:
Octaine said:

Will the ground at FairPlay be able to support a tent for the event. I know the ground can get very hard in the cold months, and wouldn't want to leave home without a pick axe or something for the ground.

I'd be surprised if you couldn't find somewhere to set up. It's more likely the ground might be too soft and/or wet. But there are areas that drain pretty well, so you can probably find somewhere to set up. We will be up at the site the weekend before so will let everyone know what conditions are like as accurately as possible. But of course, weather is weather. Let's hope March goes out like a lamb like it's supposed to.


Thxs Scoot.
It's also never a bad idea to put a plastic tarp under your tent. It really helps to keep ground moisture out.

<<< It's also never a bad idea to put a plastic tarp under your tent. It really helps to keep ground moisture out. >>>

This is really good advice.

--- Eric Stehle / Ivan Drake
they say that you louse most heat into the ground so a sleeping mat or blanket to sleep on not only is more confortable but keeps you warmer!
Aven said:
Hand warmers, toe warmers and sleeping bag warmers. That is my "hard core" strategy. Still working on the "nose" warmer. Thinking ski mask.

I look forward to this weekend!


Nose warmers = Dwarf.

God I want to come play Flint so much...
We miss Flint! We are collecting dwarves Justin... got Sean Metzler and Ted Collins playing dwarves on the Vex Squad. ;p We figure you just keep fighting those trolls whenever we go into town to eat good food at Skirfir's tavern.

LOL! Oh man...I can't wait till I get a chance to fly up and come to an event. Maybe sometime in the next couple months. We'll see how it goes!

Hmm. I planned on Stone Elf-ing but if it's gonna be that cold I might go for Madcap so I can have the mask keep my head warm.