Alliance HQ Website


Hey everyone,

I know I've been pretty quiet on the boards, but that's because I'm heinous at following these things. That said, I'm going to have to track this thread haha.

So after talking to Kyle, Mike, Mike, Mike, Mike (at least 2 of them), and some other folks, I decided to try my hand at a re-design. I'm looking for any info from anyone about what they'd like to see on the site. I'm almost done with the initial mock-ups but it'd be nice to have input for what I can add to the sections. As it is, I'm including all the current info on the site (with some content layout changes), Including a pre-reg tool, and making it all content-management-friendly so the site can be edited with ease.

Let me know if there's anything you can think of that's missing or that you'd like to see (photos of your sexy selves will be considered but probably limited to the photos section :P)

~Alex K
We're having a plot meeting this weekend, I'll add this to the agenda and let you know. :)
I'd highly suggest talking to the GM about this. This all falls under the scope of the proposed marketing committee. I understand Kyle was tired of seeing nothing done when he approached you about this, but you can't always put the cart before the horse. Management has changed hands, let see how things trickle down before we start assigning tasks to people. Last I knew (and believe me I can understand if I am out of the loop, communication inside the chapter has been on it's death bed for some time now) someone else was already heading up this project.
Other chapter websites have some pretty extensive IG information about each race, and what their chapter does that may be slightly different or more specific than the generic rulebook race information. I kind of like that idea, think it might intrigue more people to try chapter-hopping... But it also looked like it took a lot of work. And I know there are some sorts of rules about giving away race packet information... Hmm... In general, I really appreciate lots of IG information, so maybe even maps and local law and such? But, again, we do have a players guide, so you don't wanna give away too much or dissuade people from buying that. So I dunno. Just some thoughts! :)
Definitely let me know. I'm going to try and get this mock up done and sent to someone before the weekend so that it gets talked about. Would sending it to you, Toddo, be cool? Even if someone else is working on this, it wouldn't hurt to have more perspectives.
Brian will be at the meeting, to be honest I thought Robb was heading this project. I'll ask him what he wants to see.
I have already had meetings with the new GM about all of this, that's why I mentioned Kyle and Alex needing to talk to him before they proceed. I hate to see their work (and mine) go to waste. I hope they decide to take my advice.
We will have Alex go over stuff with Brian. Im sure things will pan out well.

I'd like to see:

The info currently available (but with a better layout)

A "whos Who" section where players can upload pictures of their characters (and NPCs) with a short bio

Maps in color!

A picture gallery similar to what we have on the Facebook page, where you can search each event
Thats all in tbe outline that was sent to brian. pkus much much more