Alliance LARP Chicago 2010 Schedule!

Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, high orcs of all ages... I am proud to bring you the 2010 schedule of events for Alliance LARP Chicago!

April 23-25, 2010 -- MacQueen Forest Preserve

May 2010 - TBA - Watch the board for more details in the coming weeks for details on this event. It may be a weekend event at an alternate site, or it may be a day faire.

June 18-20, 2010 - MacQueen Forest Preserve

July 23-25, 2010 - MacQueen Forest Preserve

Sept 3-5, 2010 - National Event in Ohio

Sept 17-19, 2010 - MacQueen Forest Preserve

Oct 1-3, 2010 - MacQueen Forest Preserve

Nov 2010 - Day Faire TBD

Let me know if you have any questions!

Robert Sachs
GM, Alliance LARP Chicago
horay! :)
Any A on that TBA may event? Inquiring minds want to schedule! :D

Sorry, due to scheduling conflicts at both our available sites we are not going to be having a May event.

I hope to see you all in June.

Just wondering if you got any info on the November one day. -Dawson
Due to scheduling conflicts, we will not be hosting a 1day in November this year. We will keep everyone posted as to any other 1 days through the winter and to our 2011 schedule.

