Alliance Oregon THREE DAY Event at Camp Sheppard


Alliance Oregon will be holding an event at Camp Sheppard.

Thursday August 19th - Sunday August 22nd.

Those unable to make it Thursday please feel free to come Friday.

This is the last event I will be running as Head of Plot and I plan to cash out all stored up treasure policy since I started running the game in 2003.

More details to follow.
Andy and I will be there for sure. Anything we need to do since it's an Oregon game and we are registered in Seattle? Sorry it's Marcus and Alcandar's first time through the mists. Will the game be held IG at Iron Falls or at an Oregon IG location?
evi1r0n said:
Will the game be held IG at Iron Falls or at an Oregon IG location?
I happen to know that the answer is the latter, though I couldn't tell you which location.
It will definitely be an Oregon plot IG location, though as to exactly where we'll have to hear from their plot staff.
evi1r0n said:
Anything we need to do since it's an Oregon game and we are registered in Seattle?

All you have to do is send a note to Seattle Logistics asking to send your character to Oregon for the event when the event draws near, then pre-register with Oregon like you would with Seattle.

Cymryc runs the Oregon Logistics out of his e-mail, so the registration would be sent to cymryc (at) comcast (dot) net.
It's an Oregon game, so it'll be a location in Tanaryn (the continent the Oregon game takes place at) for sure. (Not in Andar, and not in Iron Falls.) I'm 80% positive that it'll be in Stilrun. As Seth said, send your logistics to Cymryc rather than Seth, but let Seth know by emailing that you're going so that he can send down your character card. It's always a good idea to remember to bring the character card you had at the last game to the following game, especially when you're going to another chapter, just in case something doesn't transfer right.
The game will be taking place in Stillrun on the Island of Tanaryn. This is not in Andar. If you haven't played in an Oregon event in the last seven years you would be unfamiliar with the location. But you'd still be able to find it and enjoy the game!
Time off request summited. :-)
I may try and pc this one, but I will for sure be there!
Depending on how things go i might be comming as well too this crazy event. lol
"We call them inducements, Gideon. Not bribes." -Jim Sullivan.

I'm in! Nothing satisfies like violence, and nothing motivates like avarice.
I guess since I can't hold money, I should bring someone to carry all of my stuff but ultimately boss me around.

I can think of at least three people...

Seth almost always gets back to people within 24 hours, and I've never heard of anything ever taking longer than a week. If it's been longer than that, you might want to check that you sent the email to the correct address: or the right chapter. Seattle is not running this event, so if you need to pre-register or handle other non-transfer needs, you can contact If you sent an email to any other address (the dash in the name gets people sometimes), re-send it to one of those.
Just been a day or two, no big. Got my info back in march, just need the wife's. Thanks for the infos. I am a bit out of the loop, is the database actually like national now, so that Oregon can pull my info or do they need to get it from you?
Someday, in the distant future, maybe there'll be a national database. But for now, it's all just a dream. If we were your home chapter, you've got to get the info from us, 'cause that's where the official record of your character should be. If Oregon was your home chapter, they should have it.

If you haven't played/tweaked your character since the newest edition of the rules, you've got a free build re-write. (The intent is to make minor corrections to your character, so switching class dramatically is discouraged. Also, you can't change your race. Going templar to scholar or to fighter is ok though.)