Alliance Raleigh is proud to announce our policy for the 'off season' which is defined as the months after our season closer (This year in October) and before our first event of next season (This year in April)
In order to facilitate the continuation of existing story lines and ensure we continue to be as engaged as our player base desires, we are happy to announce the below policy for Off Season Events.
Alliance Raleigh Off Season mod days are done by player request. In order to request a mod day you must have 4 players committed to attending, pre-payment is required to hold your slot. Only one Module day will be scheduled a month and once scheduled is an open invite as per all of our events. Modules days must be requested at least 20 days in advance to allow for proper planning and for all interested to come. The Module days will open at 9 am, with game on at 10 am and run until sunset and may be requested for Saturday or Sunday.
Module day plot will follow the theme of helping, or harming, one particular Fae Court for those remaining. The organizing 4 players will get to determine which Court is the theme. In addition recurring modules such as the Important man with a tower module will be available as optional content, once the mod day content is completed, time permitting. Modules days may be run as Beta events if a Beta is currently available based on the desire of the organizing players.
Module days are considered to be a single logistics period and Alliance Raleigh will not provide the usual food service, any food will be a pot luck offering with PCs and NPCs(Including the Owners, of course!) contributing. Module day pricing will be $40 with a $10 discount for preregistering for PCs and $10 with a $10 discount for preregistering for NPCS.
To inquire about a holding a Mod Day a Google Form will be posted in this thread and on our other social media platforms after our September event. Once the form is complete a member of our staff will reach out to communicate further to finalize the details and receive pre-payment.
The following is a list of Black-Out dates. Dates that can not be scheduled for Mod Days due to holidays, other Alliance games in the region, or personal conflict by the Owners, This list may be updated as we move through the off-season:
November: 4-6th, 11th-12th,
December: 24th-25th
March: 24 -26, 31st.
As always, our goal is to make our game at Alliance Raleigh as safe and accessible for as many people as possible. We are open to feedback and discussions regarding this, and all, of our policies. Please feel free to discuss the policy here on the forums, in our Discord server, or our Facebook.
In order to facilitate the continuation of existing story lines and ensure we continue to be as engaged as our player base desires, we are happy to announce the below policy for Off Season Events.
Alliance Raleigh Off Season mod days are done by player request. In order to request a mod day you must have 4 players committed to attending, pre-payment is required to hold your slot. Only one Module day will be scheduled a month and once scheduled is an open invite as per all of our events. Modules days must be requested at least 20 days in advance to allow for proper planning and for all interested to come. The Module days will open at 9 am, with game on at 10 am and run until sunset and may be requested for Saturday or Sunday.
Module day plot will follow the theme of helping, or harming, one particular Fae Court for those remaining. The organizing 4 players will get to determine which Court is the theme. In addition recurring modules such as the Important man with a tower module will be available as optional content, once the mod day content is completed, time permitting. Modules days may be run as Beta events if a Beta is currently available based on the desire of the organizing players.
Module days are considered to be a single logistics period and Alliance Raleigh will not provide the usual food service, any food will be a pot luck offering with PCs and NPCs(Including the Owners, of course!) contributing. Module day pricing will be $40 with a $10 discount for preregistering for PCs and $10 with a $10 discount for preregistering for NPCS.
To inquire about a holding a Mod Day a Google Form will be posted in this thread and on our other social media platforms after our September event. Once the form is complete a member of our staff will reach out to communicate further to finalize the details and receive pre-payment.
The following is a list of Black-Out dates. Dates that can not be scheduled for Mod Days due to holidays, other Alliance games in the region, or personal conflict by the Owners, This list may be updated as we move through the off-season:
November: 4-6th, 11th-12th,
December: 24th-25th
March: 24 -26, 31st.
As always, our goal is to make our game at Alliance Raleigh as safe and accessible for as many people as possible. We are open to feedback and discussions regarding this, and all, of our policies. Please feel free to discuss the policy here on the forums, in our Discord server, or our Facebook.
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