Almost Speechless

Gandian Ravenscroft

Chicago Staff
Adventurers of Hope's Reach and those who came to join them,

I am rarely a man of few words, but as I walk here tonight and gaze upon the white stars above with my Master beside me, there are no words that can truly express my gratitude for all that you have done. I am just almost speechless with thanks, and bow to all of you brave people who faced the Overseer of Great Heights and the Master of Blackened Blood to save my Master, knowing all too well that the standing against those Magisters' powers could mean doom. Many spirits were weakened and resources expended, but you all stood together to do what had to be done despite the danger, and for that, I honor you.

The losses and sacrifices you made will not be forgotten by me. I promise you that.

May the light guide you, the Shadow guard your path, your Words have Power, and your Memories be Knowledge,
~ Gandian Ravenscroft
The Magus of Tempered Rage
I'm glad you have your friend back, Gandian, now I just hope he's as important as everyone says since he's apparently worth the lives of eleven of my friends. A lot of them were probably your friends too, but I don't know for sure since you weren't there. There were eleven of them. I bet Asher feels super bad about it too. Now we for real have to fight the empire, since you killed two of their nobles.

--Dagmara "Purple Stuff" Glueckspilz

P.S. Eleven people. But it probably would have been everyone if Briar hadn't gone back to save the day...
Magus of Tempered Rage,

I am glad to have Alexander Nitus back. My, thoughts had been jumbled that night as I was one of the several to be brought back from eternity. I would like to speak with you on a matter and to congratulate you properly with a glass of wine.


It falls on us, those who knew more then we had spoken, that so many had lost their lives. I, Fredrick Crawford, would like to personally apologize to anyone that, that night, was not aware the the option to walk away. It should have been said, and it is my fault that it was not. That said, I am glad that so many of you that knew of your options were still willing to fight and die. What we accomplished, though it may seem small, was very important, both to Gaden, and to my self personally.

Alexander Nitus,

I am glad to see you well, and look forward to seeing you once more. If you need anything at all please do not hesitate to ask.

Fredrick Crawford, Guildsman of the Celestial Guild of Gaden
Fredrick, feel free to contact me any time.

Dagmara, do not think that I do not value the lives of those who resurrected in the struggle to save my Master. Even as my heart was filled with a joy that it has not known since before I lost Him, it was also staggered to hear of the losses sustained. With my Master with us once more, we have a fighting chance against the Empire, and I promise you that the deaths of our eleven friends will be avenged tenfold as we move forward to break the tyranny of the Emperor.

~ Gandian
The Magus of Tempered Rage