
Lord Amaranthus-

I regret that it was required I depart suddenly on Saturday eve; given circumstance I believe you will understand the need to leave without farewells. I wish you to know that I have taken pleasure in making your acquaintance, and do not take lightly the unlooked-for aid you have given me. If by my life or my death I may aid you, it is yours to ask.


Daodi Shi Shenme
Daodi Shi Shenme,

Thou shalt respect the weak, and constitute thyself the defender of them.

I hope you get the chance to return to Lareathen and see one of the Bastions of Eire, rather then coming only to be beset by war of many kinds. I thank you and your allies for standing and doing battle in New Haven.

In Service,
Lord Amaranthus Landcharmer
Lord of Stoneroost