An Announcement to those that reside in Hopes Reach.


Those of you who have lived in the area now known as Hopes Reach over the past two years have no doubt seen much sorrow and bloodshed, but as the second Respite arrives and the town is still standing, our King has decided that such a stalwart group should not be ignored. To that end Lord Julian Idden has been assigned as Baron over the south eastern border lands of Gaden, and shall hence forth be recognized as appropriate to his new rank, his reach extending no further then the eastern most edge of the Grey Barony, and not extending into any area currently held to be under the martial law of the kings army, such as the cliffs bordering the Valley of Solace. As per the Crown Prince's own words, the local populace is still free to govern their own internal affairs, except in those areas deemed necessary to the maintenance of the law or order of the area. It is my understanding that Baron Idden intends to visit personally around the time of the Ritual of Remembrance to meet personally with the local Guardians and establish more clearly their right and domains, as well as instruct them as to the implementation of the appropriate taxes and levies. He will also be meeting with other groups as time allows, specifically the local militia and sheriff if possible, as well as private groups or adventurers to gather information on to how best administer these lands.

It is our understanding that a road is currently being constructed, my own notes suggest that the land has been cleared and much of the stonework has been completed within the local area of Hopes Reach already thanks to local efforts and production from a quarry in the area. This shall be designated a highway and thus subject to the all the laws and protections there of. On a more personal note, I have met personally with many of you that reside in Hopes Reach, and while I know you would gladly serve the King in any fashion, let me put your minds at ease. There shall not be a tax or levy on personal wealth, only land and business owners will be expected to collect and maintain the proper tax records.

This is a momentous day, as never before in our history have we seen citizens stand up and hold back the lines of the corrupt when the military has pulled back. Hopefully the safety and security of the area can be maintained for many years to come!

Seneschal Damon Tierke

on behalf of Harbors Far I would like to welcome the new baron to out lands. I would also like to request a moment of your time the next market day to talk about military style fortifications in hope's reach. I had plans to build a place where civilians could learn to fight and children could learn to read, write and other things while drills were not being performed. We were going to expand battlements so that farmers would have fortified places to stay. Let me know if that would not be allowed because I plan to start construction as soon as possible.

-James the Inconceivable of Harbors Far
Seneshal Tierke,

Might we inquire as to his excellencies staff? Primarly his seneshal or second that we might properly arrange for answers to any questions and lodge request without personally giving burden to our Good Baron's schedule.

My Thanks,

Fern Woods

I will be sure to reserve a moment of my time for such a discussion upon my arrival, while I recently inhabited the area, civilian defensive forces are by no means the same as a military force so I would like to be brought up to speed with what is currently in place. As to building of new structures for any purpose, once I have selected a seneshal I will be sure to have him review the land rights in the area, but I am sure if you find a parcel to fairly buy the rights to tend to, constructing a building will be no issue.

Fern Woods,

First let me thank you for your services in lodging the King's Men during recent operations, the strain of such active patrols is great and having a chance to blow off steam is a great boon to morale. As this recent honor bestows upon me lands to govern for the first time, it is my intent to review the current situation personally over the next few months. During that time the good Seneshal Tierke has offered his assistance in fielding requests and making sure they are given the proper attention. After that I will be selecting my own Seneshal, preferably from the local area, and would expect their assistance in fleshing out the remaining positions as needed.

To the other residents at large,

I have been well impressed by your efforts in the area, and let me assure you it is not my intention to meddle in the day to day affairs of the area, nor impose my will upon the populace beyond what may be necessary to maintain order. I ask your patience and assistance as I learn the local structure you have been living under by choice, as it is my intention to leave as much of that in place as is possible.

-Baron Julian Idden