An answer to a question

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Shatrevar moves slowly, still suffering from his injuries from the battles recently as he seeks out Master Garridan. Spying him finally across the commons of Parson's Breach, he waves at him and then casually walks over. Coming to stand next to him, Shatrevar bows slightly to him and then asks a question that has been buzzing in his brain. "Master Garridan, what can you and your companions tell me of my new Lord , the High-Ogre Jur'ah?"
"Garridan looks at Shatrevar, "Not much I am afraid, that was my first meeting with him as well. I do know that he's involved in the missions that Morrigan, Isawda and Evo are on but that's about all I know about him. And I suspect he is far older than he looks. I did see a flash of something familiar, but that may be best not talked about so publicly. I suggest having a chat with Isawda. He may be able to tell you more."
Bowing formally, "Thank you Master Garridan, I shall seek him out and see if he knows anything, for I have some very serious questions that require answers". Turning away Shatrevar looks across the commons and the town looking for any sign of Master Isawda.
Standing outside the Circle, Isawda closed his eyes and feels the sun on his face. Slowly the sound of footfalls draws near.
Standing at a respectful distant, Shatrevar says quietly "Excuse me Master Isawda, may I have a few moments of your time; I wish to ask you a few questions of my Lord, Jur'ah the High-Ogre".
"Of course. Although what I know of Jur"ah is mostly a shadow of a memory." He adds with a wince "An a more than passing acquaintance with his blade!"

"I do know that in addition to testing our parties courage and honor, he also stood in defense of the Breach against the giant worms."
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