An audience with the Arch Mage

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Dated July 3rd:

Garridan arrives at the Arcane Sanctum immediately upon ariving in Calanhelm. He approaches the attendant, and says, My name is Garridan,and I would like to request a meeting with the Arch Mage when his busy schedule permits. I am to deliver some letters to him personally and matters regarding the king to discuss." Garridan thinks o himself, I have a feeling I will be waiting awhile...
The attendant looks up at the gypsy. "the ArchMage is currently engaged in a meeting with Commander Dunbow. Please have a seat and you will be called up to his chamber when he is available." the attendant motions to a long bench for Garridan to sit at.
"Thank you," Garridan says, as he seats himself, thinking this might be awhile.
The attendant looks over to the Gypsy. "The ArchMage will see you now." and almost as an afterthought adds "I'd make sure you maintain proper protocol with him. His mood is a bit darker than normal." With that the attendant ushers Garridan to the Central Spire and the massive set of stairs leading up the ArchMage's chambers.
Passing them on the stairs, "Garridan" giving him a nod of his head.
Garridan Nods to the Comander andproceeds up te stairs steeling himself for the visit.
Fredrick arrives at the Arcane Sanctum after coming from the Earth Weavers. He approaches the attendant.

" Hello I am here to see the Arch Mage when his schedule permits. I am here to see him about a letter that was sent to him from the fate spinner."
Coming down the stairs the Colonel pauses a moment "That was easy." Walking towards the front desk, "Fredrick, In the name of the Crown you are under arrest by order of the Arch'Mage Az'Caine." Looking to the attendant at the desk, "My I borrow a couple guards?"

Turning back to Fredrick, "Please remove all your pouches and empty your pockets," pulling out a small club.
"Well I was hoping to talk about this first but if it must be this way I will come with you. Do you mind if Mobus takes my things thou?"
"If he gets here right away, as in the time it takes you to remove all objects on your person. I do not plan on waiting here all day for people."
"Just leave them with the massagers here I am sure they can be trusted to give them to him." Fredrick empties his pockets and places all his things in the bag he was carrying. Noticing a passing messager.
"Please see that this gets to Mobus he should be around here somewhere."

"Commander shall we go now I will not resist but if the extra guards make you feel comfortable feel free to get them."
"The guards are not for my comfort, they are more for your safety," the Colonel replies. Stepping forward he pulls out a rope from a pouch and starts binding Fredrick's hands, "Arch'Mages orders." After securing the knot, the Colonel hits Fredrick behind the knee with the small club causing Fredrick to one knee, "It's Colonel now." Turning to the attendant at the desk, have a runner sent to the Arch'Mage, let him know I have Fredrick in the Counsel Chamber awaiting for him."

"Hope your ready for the climb? It's only one flight this time" the Colonel leads the way back up the infernal stairs.
Hearing the commotion after his lengthy descent of the stairs, Mobeus turns to some of the groups of mages, asking them questions, "What is going on?" his step becomes quicker as he heard his name... well sort of his name.. Mobus.. and clearly they could not have meant someone else. "Home guard? What happened.. did one of our brotheren do something to incur the wrath of the King? And why was the name 'Mobus' said.. Am I..." he swallows deeply with thoughtful doelike expression, "In some trouble?"
"Aye, Adeptus Major Mobeus," the attendant at the front desk notices you. "A gentleman from the Earth Weavers by the name of Frederick was here to see the Arch'Mage. While waiting, he was arrested by the new Colonel, Dunnbow. Frederick has asked that you watch his things for him. Can you please sign here stating you have received said items into your care?"
Mobeus nods his head, signing away on the line saying, "Sure thing..." Mobeus picks up the items in question and sighs before saying, "Nothing much else I can do though.. I just hope Frederick caught the Archmage on a good day..."
Mobeus remarks quietly, "Well I don't hear blood curdling screams, or smell singed flesh... and we all know Silence is only available in the Earth School." he nods his head, "Clearly this is a good sign. Frederick may yet live... though, I wonder what unimaginable punishments await for him beyond the Archmage's door? Oh well just another lesson of why, following the law.. is the best for one's health." Mobeus then takes his leave, and is seen riding off on Skydancer by those near the Arcane Sanctum.
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