An Den...?


So, alls I can find is that there's an event this weekend...

When's the next one? An Den? An Den?

If someone could, say, post the schedule... that'd be super keen. The stickies (viewtopic.php?f=2&t=4300) in the announcements forum only go up to this coming event, and the only sticky on the "main" alliance forums are for last year ( ... f=88&t=365) with a non-sticky ( ... =88&t=2276) going back to ... this past march.

Of course, if I'm missing something blatantly obvious, let me know, too.
We have yet to finalize the schedule after this event. Possible dates are for June 12-14 and July 31-Aug2. Both of these events would be at Camp Rogunanda... but the pass would be open in the summer so we wouldn't have to go all the way around to Yakima to get there.
Is Rogunanda the site with the creek going through part of it?
The primary concern with the next event being June 12-14 is the 3 week turnaround time. If we can get players/staff/NPCs in that quick, then we can get it. If we don't think that that will happen, we won't book it. It also has a lot to do with whether we meet site cost at this coming game. Waning attendance at the last few games hurt our ability to reserve sites. The 15ish player January event really set us back, and if that happens again this weekend then we just won't really have any summer games.
~Matt, GM
Well, I know for at least a small handful of us, if a June 12-14 event was to be scheduled, it would be an even shorter turn-around than 3 weeks, as a few of us are going to California's June event the week before hand... The 5th through the 6th.
I for one would love to have another event. I'm back to being hooked again and though I have no idea where that site is, I'll be there :D
obcidian said:
The primary concern with the next event being June 12-14 is the 3 week turnaround time. If we can get players/staff/NPCs in that quick, then we can get it. If we don't think that that will happen, we won't book it. It also has a lot to do with whether we meet site cost at this coming game. Waning attendance at the last few games hurt our ability to reserve sites. The 15ish player January event really set us back, and if that happens again this weekend then we just won't really have any summer games.
~Matt, GM

When will we have confirmation as to whether or not this event will happen? and if it is, then when would the pre-reg/pre-pay deadline be?
After careful consideration and discussion with the staff, we have decided to skip a June event in favor of having more time and resources (read as "people able and willing to run things") for the event at the end of July. More information will be forthcoming as soon as we have confirmation of the reservation, but here's a bit of the possibility -

Camp Rogunanda is several miles farther down the same road we take to get to Sheppard. It has an amazing main lodge and many small cabins. The cabins cost us for each one we rent so we will likely be reducing the overall event fee and asking people to pay to reserve cabins if they want one. The cabins would be about $100/cabin for the weekend and sleep six (meaning you can split the cost with up to 5 other people or pay it all yourself and ward everyone out...). The lodge will also be open for sleeping.

Sorry about the lack of June event, but it was determined that the turnaround and lack of plot/support staff for an event that soon would be undoable.