An Earth Guild and Ashen Collective partnership bears fruit!


I have an exciting announcement to make:

The Ashen Collective in partnership with Guildmistress Sprig of the Royal Earth Guild in Barstow has secured another Gift of Life Ritual and Catalyst. This was made possible by a potent Earth Guild ritual of Exchange that cleansed and destroyed the necromatic potions collected and turned in by so many Heroes. At the next opportunity this ritual of hope will be secured with Guildmistress Sprig to be used as she, and the greater Earth Guild, sees fit.

I would like to personally thank each and every one of the Heroes that have turned over necromatic potions to be properly and productively disposed of. I hope the open knowledge of what can be gained by the action of turning in these vile concoctions will provide hope for the future.

The Earth Guild is always available to accept necromatic potions when you discover them in your possession, and, as many of the Ashen Collective are members of the Earth Guild, we are also available to accept these tainted potions. The Ashen Collective is also in a position to offer reward for the discovery and surrender of these repulsive goods in the form of goods or coin.

Thank you again for your diligence and commitment to upholding the laws and preserving Earth.

Aspirant Kevar Byrne
The Ashen Collective
Five Crowns Market