An ending and a new beginning


Colorado Staff
To the adventurers and people of Hopes Reach,

As many of you know, I arrived in these lands under circumstances beyond my control. I was stranded here as my home, Harbors Far, was taken from me.
After being stranded, those of us left on this strange new land banded together and clung to the name Harbors Far, as it meant much to us - home, safety, brother and sisterhood, a family like bond. Gathered under our leader Lok, we learned much about these lands, and even started to take up some of its causes, such as fighting the corrupt.
Time passed, and then while a few of us traveled to the great gathering in Deshapatara Lok was lost to us, it was then that I took up the banner of leader, but sadly without Lok to bind us some of my fellows retired from the adventuring ways.
I worked hard to keep us together, but each person found their own calling, and my fellows slowly departed my side, which I understand, we are in a new land with new prospects and new life, to be stuck in what was is not healthy.

I continued carrying the name Harbors Far with me, and then two market days ago Sheriff Fern confronted me, questioning my loyalty and drive to help this land, saying I carried the symbol of a foreign land and how could I truly understand the troubles of these lands. This accusation hit me hard, made me think deeply about myself and my motivations, and realizing that I have come to love this land and its people, and come to care for this land, so when Fern shouted at me where my home was, I returned "HOPES REACH" for it is now, my home, and will remain my home.

I will never forget my time in Harbors Far, for it is a part of my life that shaped me and forged much of myself, but I must confront the fact that Harbors Far is gone, and to continue claiming its title is clinging onto the past, when I need to look towards the future.

And the future is now, I have been thinking about forming a new adventuring group, with a new name, and new people. And last market day I called those that I have been watching to a gathering to formally form our group.
The new group is "The Keepers of the Darkened Sun" or "The Keepers" for short.
The current full time members are - Thorador Boulderfist, Kendra, and Davion.

I look forward to working with all you folks of Hopes Reach, and hope that we can aid you in the fight against the evils of this world.

I plan to swear fealty to this land of Gaden as soon as I am able, and seek to become a full citizen.

Thank you for your time,
With honor always,
Thorador Boulderfist
Guardian of Hopes Reach
Proud Dwarf of Hopes Reach
Leader of The Keepers of the Darkened Sun
Blood Brother to Kendra
Former Leader of Harbors Far, the adventuring group
Master Blacksmith
Foreman to Fern's Quarry