An Internal Contest


For some time now members of the research branch of the celestial guild have been working at making golems less...needing of raw magical energy and we are proud to say we are close! Two test golems, one powered by catalyzing Copper with a mixture of specially brewed potions, good at healing and defending, as well as another powered by silvered catalyzed with a unique alchemical brew.

Both of these golems are powered almost entirely from copper and silver and the celestial guild is requesting donations that will be used first for a test run at the upcoming banquet. Ideally we would like to gather enough to additional tests. Some unique preserve scrolls have been set aside as raffle rewards for those that assist, the copper and silver raffles being separate. In additional should sufficient funds be raise we'll provide the top donators with schematics for the creation of both the bodies and brews needs to field these creations, although we do warn that the creation of such constructs is a significant under taking.

Endikar, Dwarven Sorcerer of the Celestial Guild
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Are ze golems master constructs capable of hosting ze spirit of a sufficiently powerful celeztializt or are zhey simply powerful constructs that might aid one in battle? Alzo, for clarification, zhey are both defensive golems with healing capabilities or just zhey copper golem?

-Beryl R.T.
Apprentice to Warlock Roy Gellentine of the Royal Celestial Guild of Gaden
No, while these are powerfully, we have found in testing that adding a living body to catalyzing fumes of either type to be a poor idea. As to the alchemical golem it's properties tend to vary significantly based on available power source.

Ah, a pity, I've been looking into mazter conztructs recently and thought I had stumbled across one. Zank you for you clarification sorcerer Endikar.

-Apprentice Beryl R.T.