An Invitation


Greetings Citizens of Birch, Roskaria, and Visiting travelers,

My Lord Talon Grafelhan, Crown Prince of Gaden and eldest son to our noble king, has taken an recent interest in the rumors of travellers who have crossed the mistwall. The numbers of those claiming to have traveled the mist, and those who believe their story to be true warrants a further investigation. Unfortunately due to affairs of State the Crown Prince cannot spare the time to travel to such remote areas of our favored northern neighbor and instead has asked that I beseech you on his behalf to come and meet him. This invitation is open to all those who have come through the mists, or those who have met them and I encourage everyone to take advantage of this rare priviledge despite the travel required.

Those interested should first make their way to the outpost of Rivenside at the Northern border or Gaden and wait there for further instructions once the good Prince has found a convienent location where they can meet within Gaden's borders. While I cannot offer you reimbursement of traveling costs, I will make sure the men at the border of Roskaria and Gaden understand that some of the travelers may be unheard of in the usual records.

By the grace of my leige,

Seneshal Damon Tierke
Seneshal Tierke,

It woul' be a honor to meet wit' da Crowned Prince, I have met and befriend'd some of da travelers. An I have even gone to da mist wall wit' a traveler name Mara Glenbeck. At da mist I put my hand is not solid any longer.

Honorable Seneshal Tierke,

While I have not attempted to put any of my appendiges into the walls of the mist, I have met with several of the "mist walkers." If his Lord Grafelan is willing to listen, I would be glad to make the journey to meet with him and recount my tale.

Furthermore, if I may humbly suggest that if his Lordship has a favorite type of ale, I happen to be a brewer, and would be willing to have some ready should he require some refreshment. I ask that you kindly inform me what type of ale this is and I will provide it upon our meeting.

Good Seneshal Tierke,

I am one of the "Mist Walkers" of which you speak. I would feel honored to meet with the Crowned Prince of Gaden. I have my own theories as to why after so long the mist is allowing outsiders through. However, I must admit that after the welcoming we recieved once crossing the mist I am slightly concerned about the safety of all of those who crossed the mist. People do not easily accept change and as such I fear we may be viewed as outsiders and threats. The other adventurers I met from beyond the mist all seemed more than willing to protect the land and those who lived in it.

Can you promise safe passage for those of us who are willing to travel and meet the Crowned Prince ?

Aeneaus Solrade
Is there gonna be a party or somethin'? What...I mean...umm...'scuse me....what does it matter, the misty wall used to not be open, now it is, don't see what all the fuss 's about. Plain as whiskers, Aedyl Aedlyli thinks...
Aeneaus Solrade,

You would seek concessions from the prince after his gracious invitation? If you are truely from outside the mist you have come to our lands uninvited and should not underestimate the grace the prince is showing you to give you such an invitation. The interior of Gaden is as safe as any lands, but if you find your fears of traveling to much to over come, I am sure the prince will understand why you felt the need to decline his courteous offer.

Aedyl Aedlyti,

This invitation is not for a party, the mist wall being opened changes the situation of the world, and Gadens alliance with Roskaria, and the prince would like to learn more specifics as he is in charge of the kingdoms defenses and may need to takes steps due to these new developments.

Seneshal Damon Tierke
Why? 'fraid of the Masters comin' to get you in the night, too? Hmmm.... Aedyl will help you fight 'em until they die from it.
Good Seneshal Tierke,

I, in no way was attempting to insult you or the crowned Prince. I appologize for my request.

Aeneaus Solrade
Seneshal Tierke,

Please convey my sincere but I cant make the journey in time to await his pleasure. I'll be sure to send a gift however to renew my oath of featly and friendship to his Highness the Prince.

I am at his disposal if he needs me elsewise.

Fern Woods
Seneshal, Tierke

I will not beh able teh make it to your gathering, I have to find my companion Sage soon and I am to meet with him else where that day.

Many apologize,

Blind Seer