An old Prophecy



Recent events have stirred memories I have not thought of in some time. In dreams long past there was a number of groups that sought to keep old words alive, in fact if memory serves it was their belief that the prophecy was coming to pass that caused the second attempt to fulfill the mist prophecy to fail. As the armies of the lands sought to find what is referenced here. From what I know of our current situation, I feel that this prophecy was misread in the past, although it is sad it did not survive until this day.

The children tucked away in safety the Mother stood alone.
Although she was hunted freely did she roam.
Haunted by the Shade of what might come to finally last,
The Mother hid away a final gift to see what must come to pass.
When the child cries out with the passion of the Heart that is not his,
Releasing a call of Anger and Vengeance against the disease of the land.
When the cry comes the hidden doors will appear,
The power of rage causing the fall of their veneer,
Defenders inside will know it is time to bloom,
But sealed inside they are within their crafted tombs,
Creatures of the Land noble in their own way,
The doors to gifts can only be open at their say.
A Promise, a Gift, A pull of the Lever
A Death and a Life to open the gates,
Or leave them closed forever.

I hope this gives you guidance,

- Merrick the Sage
Thank you Merrick,
We shall reflect upon your words.

Walk with Honor,
Sir Victor von Gryphon