An unexpected guest

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It is after midnight while a mysterious figure walks through the Commons. Shrouded in darkness, the figure stops on the path leading to the main cabins, turning in a slow circle to take in the surroundings. It takes in a deep breath, catching various scents in the night breeze.

“Ahhh,” a raspy male voice calls out loud, “I smell the scent of fear. And warm mortal flesh. This is good.”

Returning to stand on a bench in the Commons, the figure pulls its dark clothing around it and laughs, harsh and loud.

“Hear me, fools of this town. A nightmare stalks you, with a portent of your doom. Know that you could have been killed in your sleep this very night. Yet this one chance remains. A double fortnight and three is what days you have remaining, before terror strikes at you. Your one, and only, warning: be clear of Parson’s Breach before that time comes, or the hunt will begin, of which you will be the prey!”

Colonel Alexander Stormcrest rushes from his cabin, brandishing both blades. He spies the faintest of movement in the Commons, and runs towards the town center. Making it to the bench, where he saw a figure standing only a moment before, there is...nothing, only darkness.

A cool breeze suddenly whips around the grounds, stirring leaves and debris. Within the wind, a cold laughter catches in the Colonel’s ears, causing him to shudder involuntarily.

Alexander scans the night one more time before returning his blades to their sheaths. He shakes his head and returns to his cabin. He pauses at the threshold to his room and turns to look at the darkness of night outside. “Now what?” Sighing, he closes the door.
From the porch of the eighth cabin, Aengus steps out to the railing. The blue glow of the Lanters, keeping the dark at bay, shines upon him faintly. With pipe in hand and a puff from his lips he watches Alexander Stormcrest return to his cabin, his blades unblemished. A small smile creeps up his face as the laughter on the wind hits his ears. I Fear no man, he thinks to himself, and least of all one that hides in the wind. If you are the one I faced not long ago, then you will fall again, and again, and again untill You or I can no longer rise.

Aengus steps back in to his cabin, a quick sniff to make sure its still there, and quietly shuts the door.
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