Ancient Crowned One.


You will never hear this.

I am sure there are thousands upon thousands of lives that you have twisted and destroyed in all of the time that you lived.

No. Not lived.


You are right. It can come for anyone, at any time. Sick, weak, ...strong. Old, young. Mortal. Immortal.

You placed yourself first in all things, and yet you never escaped that which you feared the most. You taunted and tortured the lives and minds of many people....all for the sake of one, simple reason.


There are parts of me you have ruined - perhaps for good. But in your arrogance, perhaps you have gotten what you wanted.

Your infamy will live on in those who would remember you, and perhaps it is your grave that they spit upon as they walk by.

But I will not forget the most important thing you have taught me. Death, in the end, does come for us all. So it is not a fight to delay it, but to enjoy those moments we do have with those we care most for - because we will not know when they are stolen away. When their life thread is cut from us.

I believe the ballad of my insignificance turned out to be a much louder song to you, as you felt your body crumble to ash, and I bore witness to it. I am sure the moments of being encased, knowing the end was coming, filled you with fear. I wonder now, if Death had been kind, since you avoided it for so long, or if it lets you linger, lost in the Shadowlands, the same place you had cast me...

I hope, even for your sake, villain, you find your peace. Be it in oblivion, or wherever monsters find themselves at the end of their days..but for those who's lives you ruined, I hope you are made to pay your debt, before you find it.

Maybe I'm overstepping some boundaries by adding to this, but I feel like I have something to say here.

Skylar - I know that isn't your real name, but it's what I knew you by. The things you've done, and the people you've hurt will unfortunately give you a legacy. I can't think back on the times I've seen you or been hurt by you without feeling the same fearful desire to run and hide that you instilled in me. You were-- are, the symbol of everything wrong with the lands I live in and protect. After all the times you've hurt me, hurt my friends and countless other people who I've never met, I can't think of a single person or even a single monster who would mourn your passing. I might seem like a coward by saying my piece after you're unable to come after me for doing it, but I don't care. I want to say how I really feel about you. I feel sorry for you. I fear you more than any other monster in the deadlands, and I can honestly say I hate you. But I still feel sorry for you. You fought against death, and your fighting probably made the thing you feared that much worse. I hope that you don't try to hide from wherever you're supposed to go. I'll admit you were a smart person, so you should know what will happen if you try to run from it. Zehnyu said it better than I ever could: find your peace after paying your debt.

~Caillen Taggert