Andar's Recovery


Citizens of Andar,

Andar is well on the way to recovery from the dark times in which we have found ourselves, just as I knew we would be. I would like to congratulate everyone who has contributed in whatever way, small or large, to our continued survival. That's not to say that the work is over. We are still at war on the eastern front, and food is still scarce. But it is important to take a small bit of your sleep to appreciate what we've been through, and the strong people who are making it through. Especially those who took responsibility when they had to, and when there was no other choice. May they be judged fairly by their fellow man.

As no doubt many of you are aware, the former Duke of Mountain Shade has been crowned our new monarch by a vote of the Council of Counties. I would like to leave no doubt that I no longer hold any claim to the throne of Andar now that the council has been convened, and I fully support His Majesty King Aland de Montford. To those who supported me, I thank you, and ask that you now redirect that energy and fervor to rebuilding Andar.

Sleep well,
Count Chrislen Staldell of Appleton