Announcement of Festival


On the 5th day of December, in this the year 615 P.D., to celebrate the adventurers and heroes a small festival shall be held. As part of this festival, seven challenges shall be convened with prizes for those that win them. These challenges are open to all, citizens and visitors alike.

Those that wish to sign up for participation in any or all of these challenges should sign up here with their name and which challenges they desire to attempt, or sign up immediately upon arrival in town at the Customs House.

Riddle Challenge

This challenge will provide a number of riddles for competitors to try to solve. The competitor with the most correct answers will be declared the winner and receive either a Resonance or Vision ritual, it will be the winner's choice.

Combat Tourney

This will be a fast and simple tournament of physical capability, weapons used will be determined randomly for each pairing. Three successful strikes upon an opponent will result in a win and moving forward in the brackets. The ultimate winner will receive a magical charm that allows them to stun a foe's limb three times ever.

(OOG: This challenge does not require having combat skills, as no calls are allowed. It is a first to land three touches with a weapon. Anyone may compete.)

Archery Aim

Competitors will be given a bow and ten arrows, and will attempt to hit a target with three separate point value areas. The competitor with the highest score will win a charm that allows the bearer to activate an Elemental Blade twice ever.

(OOG: This challenge does not require having Archery skills, as no calls are allowed. Anyone may compete.)

Storytelling Challenge

Competitors will face two rounds that will test their ability to tell a story. In the first round, each competitor will have three minutes to stand before the judges and tell a story of their choosing. In the second round, each competitor will pick three words randomly from a selection of words and utilize those words in a new three minute story. After each round, the judges will score the competitors based on three categories; Creativity, Premise, and Interest. The winner will receive an Enchant ritual.

Dwarven Roulette

This drinking challenge will consist of several rounds allowing any who wish to participate to be involved, and several different alcoholic beverages. Six shot glasses will be placed on a rotating surface, and after the glasses have been spun six participants will drink from the shot glass in front of them. This will continue until only one participant is still able to drink. After this is determined, six more participants will play. This will continue until only one participant is left able to drink. The winner will receive a tankard enchanted to grant the bearer two Purify effects ever.

Ribbon Race

In this challenge participants will be provided a color of ribbon and tasked with going through Foxbridge finding a number of the appropriate ribbons and tying them to their arms. The first one to return with all of their ribbons tied to their arms will be declared the winner. Each participant will be allowed to look at a map showing where the ribbons are located before starting. Three rules apply; 1 Participants must return with each ribbon of the appropriate length and color. 2 The order or ribbons attained does not matter. 3 No killing other participants. The winner will receive a charm granting the ability to dodge once ever.

Observation Challenge

Each participant will be allowed to step into a selected building where various items have been placed, they will be allowed to stand and look at their surroundings for ten seconds. After the viewing time has elapsed, the participant will sit down and be given a questionnaire about the room and objects. The participant with the most correct answers will be the winner. The winner will receive a Lore ritual.
I am Kelb Treegringer Wanderer. If I can make it to your coasts I shall try my hand in all the feats that you have listed.

(OOG I have not decided if I will PC or NPC for that event yet)

Alas I will not be participating in the challenges (I will NPC).
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Rufaro would like to sign up for the following competitions:

Riddle Challenge
Archery Aim
Dwarven Roulette
Observation Challenge
Well then.

I'll try my hand at Dwarven Roulette at the least.

Oh! Games! Exciting!

I will have to make a venture down that direction, even if it is just for some games. If I am able to find my way I will of course want to play all of the games, and I will do my best not to win by too much. I know I'm great and all, but I'll have to give everyone at least a small chance.

Yours Truly,
Having had my sister swat my horns, I will be participating in the riddle and storytelling chapter.
... Hmmm, I might want to sign up for a couple of these...
Oh no you don't D. If we're in a drinking contest I'm bringing out the cocoa!
I think I will try my hand at Storytelling and maybe Dwarven Roulette.
I will participate in the Riddle Challenge, the Combat Tourney, and the Ribbon Race.

I shall participate in the riddle challenge, combat tourney, the archery contest, and the observation challenge.
Who may I speak with about participating as a vendor during the festival?
Registration slips will be picked up late friday evening but before midnight. This will give us plenty of time to prepare the Festival contests for the proper quantity of people.

(OOG: this will be available during Logistics Friday Night. Late shows will be able to sign up when they check in.)
Goodman Little, you may contact the Merchants Guild to set up being a vendor. They have been given the responsibility of managing that aspect, although one does not need to be part of the Merchants Guild in order to take part in the festival.
Sounds like fun. Sign me up for the riddle challenge, combat tourney, archery aim, and the observation challenge. As long as I don't need to worry about the sharp end going in the right spot, I should be all right.

This sounds truly sporting! I would be more than happy to witness and revel in the festivities. I am forbidden from participating in revelry challenges myself, but look forward to cheering on those travelers who partake.
Combat, storytelling, roulette.

-Ambassador Northwind