Announcement on Job Board in the tavern


On the 30th day of this month, in this the year 616 P.D., the election for the positions of Reeve and Lord Magistrate will be held. At the 12th hour of the day, a representative of the Royal Census Office will preside over a period of time in which those seeking election may speak to the public. The allotted time for each speaker will be no longer than three minutes. Speeches are not required to be made by any individual seeking election, but may affect the decisions made by those casting votes. After any and all speeches have been given, the representative will begin the voting process. Those who wish to cast their votes will be given a ballot. Those that are recognized by the representative as being citizens of the Kingdom of Sedovia will be granted two ballots. Ballots will be placed in the appropriate secure container, to be counted later in the day after all ballots are in. Announcement of the winners of the elected positions will be given at the 18th hour.

Those seeking election are;

Bando Caron

Lord Magistrate
Ignatius Cere
Anouk Gruff