Announcement - The "Town Box"


After discussing it with Vassal Knight Liddia, Vassal Knight Kyrie, and Vassal Knight Eldandiril, I have agreed to take custody and administer the values contained within the town box. For those that do not know, the Town Box is a box of donations, from times when the town bands together, occasionally fines or fees, and independent donations. The box will be kept in a safe, warded structure at all times, I do not yet have a full list of it's contents, but will make them known only in person during market days, unless a list of the assets are requested by one of our Vassal Knights until such a time as I am instructed differently.

Let me be clear before listing the process for requesting things from the box, I am simply administering the box, there is no room to bargain with me for a better deal, or additional access to things within it, I will not be distributing anything based on need or current events, if you have such a request you must talk to one of our Vassal Knights, I will only make such a distribution under their orders or request. Major expenditures will require the agreement of at least two of the three Vassal Knights.

For the items within the box, all production will be available for purchase by anyone for forty percent over what it takes to build it, should we have things inside that you desire for your personal use. All coins generated via sales, or donations to the box will be tracked and the amount made known to the Vassal Knights. Components and scrolls donated to the box will be used for the good of the town as a whole, all such proposed uses will need to be clear by a majority of the Vassal Knights available, this may mean as few as a single vote.

The goal of the town box is to have a resource to create things for the greater good, the resources to cast scrolls such as the recent harvest scroll found, to combat issues that arise that threaten the town at large, such as if there is a need for enslavement antidotes or similar items to be produced in bulk. These policies may be changed at any time, by a directive from our Vassal Knights, please note that any donations to the town box are appreciated but generally not refundable.
I have completed the full inventory of the town box and provided it to our three knights, here are the current things currently open for purpose and use by the townsfolk, I must stress once more that I only tend to the box, the use of what is inside it is NOT something I have the right determine.

2 Full Spellbooks (one celestial and one earth)

1 Cloak. - Available for spell crafting, if you wish I will spell craft it for you for 5 silvers (or you can have someone else invoke the magics) we do ask that if you make use of the scroll frequently you donate to the box. Components needed - Fangtooth, Wand, Cariousus, or Nightshade (it requires only one component to work)

2x Lightning Storm
1x Disarm
1x Magic Armor

Armor - 2x 26 Stone Suits, 1x 20 stone Suit, 1x 10 Stone suit.
Weapons – 1 Short Bow, 1 Thrown Weapon, 1 Long Blunt, 1x Longsword, 1x Shield

2x Laugh Gas
1x Cause Damage Gas
1x Dominate Gas
1x Sleep Gas
1x Serious Vorpal Coating

44x Cure Light wounds

6 Assorted traps.

Special thanks to Sae-Azaka for contributing so many additional Cure light wound potions to the town box this last marketday.

Please note, the above is not a complete listing of the town box, that has been provided to the knights.
I have received the rest of the town box and updated my listing of it's contents.