Announcement to all Citizens and visitors of Icenia


With the threat if Lyncanthropy, All citizens and visitors of Icenia are asked to do the following:

Bring all Blue Kyanite stones, Fireseeds and Frostgrapes to the Healers Guild so more serum and needles can be created. Anyone with the ability to make alchemy and to blacksmith please also present yourself so we can have you assist in this effort.

If you have NOT BEEN innocculated, please also present yourself to the healers guild. IF WE HAVE SERUM you will be given it at no charge.

And to ALL CITIZENS: if an individual is suspected of being infected, DO NOT take it upon yourself to forcibly detain the individual. Instead bring them to an individual rank of guardsman or higher, or to one of the nobles, who will then assist the individual in getting innoculated and identified and cured if necessary. Attacking someone even with good intentions IS STILL ASSAULT.

In Service

Lady Knight Glorianna Wyndancer Nordenn