

To All Free Peoples of Trevaelia, and to All Allies of the Four Nations of the Twinspire Accord,

These are the words of Count Sir Agathon Stone, General of the Trevaelian Army. Take heed.

A week ago, on the fifth day of the Month of the Sun, our scouts reported that the Vor armies were abandoning the towns and earthworks they had occupied along the northeastern coast. I had the honor of leading the Second and Eighth Regiments to the north to confirm these reports, and after a short and merciless battle, there was not a single Vor to be seen along the beaches, nor any sailing vessel in the waters. The Vor are not gone from Trevaelia, but this protracted land war is at an end.

Many have died, some permanently, defending our great alliance from the Vor menace. Those who have fallen permanently will be buried with military honors as befits a hero of their nation. Those who resurrected during the war shall be rewarded with the Steel Phoenix for falling in the line of duty, and will be compensated with such assets as the military can make available once the rebellion in the south is put to rest.

The Second and Eighth Regiments will remain behind to guard the northern coasts against the threat of a Vor counterattack, and to fortify the towns ravaged by the Vor menace. The Sixth and Ninth Regiments will be redeployed to the borders between Twinspire Vale and the rebel lands to the south. The remaining regiments will be stationed in their native lands to secure our homes and hearths against possible attack by Fathomfall or the Vor; all companies will remain battle-ready, with preparations in place to journey through the mists to either front. It is the wish of the High Arbiter and the rulers of Arbory and Omar Nadine that every city prepare a great feast in honor of these returning warriors; all who wish to contribute to the feast, report to your local Quartermaster for details.

What follows are the thanks and honors bestowed upon those who have fought against this menace.

For dying permanent death on the field of battle and for defense of life and homeland above and beyond the call of duty, Colonel Sir Zavulon Poole of the Eighth Regiment shall be remembered as Count Sir Zavulon Poole of Arbory.

For commitment to duty even after her own resurrection, Sergeant Raia Minari of Omar Nadine, Master of Scouts of the Second Regiment, is immediately promoted to Captain, and shall be known as Dame Raia Minari, Knight Bachelor of Omar Nadine, and Captain of the Second Company, Second Regiment.

For tactical brilliance and defense of life above and beyond the call of duty, Captain Sir Hakon Foehammer of the Fifth Company, Second Regiment, is elevated to the rank of Conte in the land of Omar Nadine.

For bravery in the face of overwhelming odds and for grievous harm endured in the defense of his fellow man, Sergeant Delios Windwalker of the Third Company, Eighth Regiment, shall now be known as Sergeant Sir Delios Windwalker, Knight of the Robe, and is hereby elevated to the position of Master of Healers for the Eighth Regiment.

Last, but not least, I must honor the bravery, ingenuity, and tireless efforts of the Twinspire adventurers, one and all. Much credit for this victory is owed to them. It was through their efforts that we learned of the weaknesses of the Vor and the flaws in their command structure. It was through their sacrifice that we were able to stop Lord Tzero from performing whatever foul magic he was attempting in the Riverwild and prevent this past week from constituting a rout of our forces rather than those of our enemy. I will not attempt to thank each of you individually in this letter, any more than I would attempt to name each of the brave soldiers who died in pursuit of victory; for to do so must surely fall short of encompassing the efforts of true heroes. Instead, to one and all, I thank you, and I look forward to granting you the rewards you so richly deserve when Trevaelia once again knows peace.

So says Count Sir Agathon Stone, General of the Trevaelian Army, on the twelfth day of the Month of the Sun in the one hundred and thirteenth year of the Twinspire Accord.