Anomalies of Magic

Gandian Ravenscroft

Chicago Staff
Those in the Valley of Solace,

I have recently been made aware of a peculiar magical phenomenon where there appear to be places in the Valley where certain forms of magic are failing to function in their entirety, with such spells being completely unable to manifested through aura and even some enchantments on items becoming suppressed as well. Needless to say, I am eager for several reasons to know why such a thing is happening. A peculiarity of this kind is not likely to be naturally-occurring, and hopefully there can be a way to counteract it before it gets too prominent.

If you know where any of these strange locations or have any knowledge as to why such magical distortions may be happening, I would ask you to speak up about what you know so that we can better understand and resolve the issue.

I hope I find you well,
~ Darius Yanith
Sorcerer of the Royal Celestial Guild of Gaden
Sorcerer Yanith,

This phenomenon is caused by a certain type of undead that appear to be suppressing magics. I had discovered a few areas which contained strange undead. Most of the locations had a certain taint about it, primarily involving rats and lesser undead. However, one particular incident I found unable to call upon the powers of the Curse school of magic. Items and inert magic would not work. It was rather strange. The undead discovered, seemed very ancient and did not speak. I don’t know what connection this has, or how it spreads, but I hope this does not become a large issue across Gaden.

- Healer Asher of the Earth Guild of Gaden
Healer Asher,

Yours is the third different instance of this magical distortion I have been alerted to (the other two being the faded power of Summoned Force spells, in two seemingly unobtrusive places along the road in the Valley), though it is the first that has had any undead at the scene, which is interesting and yet troubling. Might you be able to explain anything more about this old undead you encountered? Was it destroyed?

~ Sorcerer Darius Yanith