Another 1st spell idea: Elemental Aid

Ooh! ooh! I got one! Goes with new stuff being put in the book and everything!

Elemental Aid
Kerjal's Focused Channeling
Protection/Enhancement ------- Indefinite

This spell increases the amount of damage that the recipient's wands inflict by one point for the duration of the battle in which it is cast.

"I grant you the power of Elemental Aid."
Celestial 1
Indefinite isn't my prime choice for duration, but most of the rest of the Prot/Enhance spells are Indefinite. I'd prefer "Battle," but that isn't already defined. If it becomes defined (since the new Blade spells look like they're headed that way) I think it should obviously change to that. The other option I considered was "Instant," but Battle still trumps that.
Hmmm... I'm thinking about this more... sinking in... still sinking...


So, why only 1? In the course of a day, a person with a 4 column has 36 spells available. That's 36 shots of 5.

This spell is 1st level. Stone Bolt is first level. In order for it to be somewhat equal you have to assume that a person will use their nifty wand thingy 5 times in a battle where this spell was cast.

If a person throws at least 5 per battle then this 4 column celestial caster will have approximately 7 battles in him.

But, on the otherside, if you make it more then 1 then you will make this spell potentially more useful then Stonebolt...

I suppose 1 additional damage is fair. The question will then be: Does it stack? i.e. If I cast this spell 4 times in a battle, do I add +4 to all of my wand damage, then?

Edit: As far as effect group I would clasify it as an Evocation, therefore requiring "I call forth an Elemental Aid!" since it is assisting in elemental wand damage. Or perhaps Eldritch Force "With Eldritch Force I build an Elemental Aid!"
That was basically my thought process, too. For a low level caster (read: no 9ths) who wants to bump their wand damage and throw a bunch of wand shots, then it's really handy. For Joe 4-Column, it's just ok. For me, I'd rather throw for "Eight" (one syllable) then "Seven" (two), and I am willing to blow a spell for it.

On the stack thing, I'd say no. At this point, no other spells stack, and I'd rather not create an exception.
I went with Enhancement because that's where Endow, Elemental Blade, and the like are. I think it could fit in a number of places, but I thought it fit best there.
obcidian said:
I went with Enhancement because that's where Endow, Elemental Blade, and the like are. I think it could fit in a number of places, but I thought it fit best there.

Not going to argue with that. :) I think it would be a good addition to a celestial caster's repetoire no matter what effect group it is in.
True, and if you try to make it like crit attack/back attack for one target you run into the same argument against backstab damage with ranged "but what if you throw it at so and so and hit whatshisname instead?" even though that problem could happen with the aforementioned attack skills being used. It's a neat idea, I'd like to see what other people think about it.