Anti-Magic Zones


I have heard a few things about these places, though I have never encountered one myself. I am wondering if anyone knows how these come about, what they do specifically, and how they effect one.

From their names I would assume that one cannot activate magic items, nor use Earth or Celestial magicks from one's memory. Do such places disable innate abilities that certain races have? Potions and Scrolls do not work I know.

Any information that would lead to more understanding would be very much appreciated. I am not sure if perhaps the Guilds have done any research into the subject matter.

Wild Rose
Owner of the Wild Rose Adventuring and Trading Company
Wild Rose,

Seek me out at the next market, I won't be too hard to find, look for the stag with a bow

Member, Defenders of the Azure Keep
Warrior of the White Tail tribe

I shall do so

Wild Rose
Wild Rose,

We have done much research on the subject. Contact me privately, and I can answer any question you have.

Circle Master Eric Marsters
Circle Master of Fairfax
Greater Earth Guild of Terna