Any idea when you will know the 2012 dates?


Hello Southern Minnesota folks,

I am an alliance member involved with the Oregon and Seattle chapters. I travel to Minnesota a couple of times a year, and I would love to attend one of your game days or weekends when I am there.

Any idea what your dates will be yet for next year? Especially March.

No idea yet Rachel, we do our plotting in two main phases due to the way our campsites work out here.

1.) "Main season" Covering April through October usually, these are generally announced in Late February.
2.) "Off Season" Usually starting in Late September these are announced ideally at least 2 months ahead of time, but generally have less notice.

Unfortunately our main camp sites simply don't offer us the ability to prepare much farther beyond that as we generally take the weekends not taken by their larger groups that frankly can afford to pay a bit more. The March date will fall in our off season set, which is currently under negotiation, Ideally we'll have that set for sure by the end of October.