April 11th Camp Matta Cabin Work and Mod Day!

Gandian Ravenscroft

Chicago Staff
Hey folks!

On Saturday, April 11th, we will be having a Work/Module day at our Camp Matta site as we have done in past! As usual, these sorts of days have two parts:

Part 1: Work day!
Starting at 10:00 AM and running until roughly 4:00 PM, we will be hard at work doing outdoor construction work! Our plan does include the construction of a new PC cabin, so be super excited for that! This being said, if you have any power tools and the like that you could bring, please do so! I’d also suggest wearing work-worthy clothing/shoes and bringing a pair of work gloves if you can. We're gonna work as hard as we can to get things built up and ready for our May opener weekend event and would love to have you join us!

As usual for our work days, attendees will be granted 30 Goblin Stamps per hour worked, plus an MI Pick award for every 3 hours in attendance (that's 2 MI Picks if you are on time).

Part 2: Module day!
We will also be running a short Module Day starting at roughly 4:00. The cost for attending the Module portion is $20, minus $7 for every hour attended at the work day to a minimum of $0. This means if you come for at least half the work day, the module day is FREE! Specific modules can be requested (requests must be sent to the Plot Team prior to April 3rd in order to give the Plot Team sufficient planning time), though some mods may be limited by Plot/NPC/time availability. This can be a great opportunity to follow up on an IBGA response or just something that's been on your mind. If there is still time available, additional modules besides the requested ones will be run. The first modules should start as soon as everyone is ready after the work day portion is done (if our construction isn't finished by this point, attendees are encouraged to continue helping with construction if they are willing) with conclusions done around 8:00 PM.

Please note that, as a module day, the actions of this event are fully canon and binding (we’ve had resurrections at mod days before) so don't forget to bring your "A” game even though the modules themselves are comparatively short when viewed against other events. As usual, this module day counts as a half-day event and can be blanketed for 15 Goblin Stamps.

Preregistration for the Module day is open (use this link: http://mnalliance.com/prereg.html), and while there is no strict deadline for pre-registrations for this, please attempt to let us know you are coming well enough in advance that the can prepare everything needed for the event (such as food).

Pre-Registered PCs:
1. Ryan Be. (Asher)
2. Jonathan M. (Roff) (New Player!)
3. Emma B. (Ilana)
4. Christina S. (Trixy) - Build Expenditures
5. Auburn H. (Hartley) (New Player!) - Race
6. Jen S. (Jamina)
7. Patrick L. (Artemis)
8. Matt M. (Sir Victor)
9. Sid P. (Ragnarok)

Pre-Registered NPCs:
1. Alexander T.
2. Vaughn W.
3. Dave G.
4. Greg L.

Pre-Registered Others:
(Those that don't intend to participate in the Mod portion)
1. Andrea R.
2. Esten R.
3. Tom G. (New Person!)

Planned Modules:
1. I got 99 problems and the Aurorawks are most of them...
2. The Son will come up....
3. The Cave of Evil but Rich Monsters (or similar)
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We got this guys!!
Please remember to let us know if you plan on attending! Only a few folks have done so so far and we'd love to have some more of y'all come out and join us!
With some luck and a little finagling I'll be coming bringing in tow my father and uncle both of whom are contractors as well as their wide assortment of power tools. I'll keep you all updated on that status.
I bring my tiny box of hand tools, but my years of experience with power tools and woodworking. Also my excellent ability to follow directions.
Working on getting Jay to come up and help with the stair building. He wouldn't get there until about 11:30, as he is teaching a class in Mpls @ 9 am for an hour.
Count me in as Victor. I have a screw-shooter, and I can bring an angle saw and maybe a small table saw. And of course a couple hammers.

What other tools are needed?
Can never have to many power drills ^.^
Hey folks!

Planned Modules:
1. I got 99 problems and the Aurorawks are most of them...
2. The Son will come up....
3. The Cave of Evil but Rich Monsters (or similar)

If there is a box that these evil monsters have I'm going the other direction. Don't think I don't remember 2 summers ago...
Well fine, I guess I'll change my mod plans if the PCs aren't interested in recovering the Crate of Fortune and Folly... ;)
My roommate Dan just let me know he wanted to help at the mod day AND give larp a go. Not sure if he'll PC or NPC, that I'll find out in the morning.