April 2013 Favorites


I had a family thing and had to leave the event early, so I want to hear about EVERYTHING!

My faves for the bits I WAS there to see:

-Special thanks to Collin for helping me make my escape without looking like a dbag in game. It's always awkward when OOG circumstances force you to do something your character would not do.

-LOVE my team! Simon getting the title of "Court Wizard" and official welcome to our newest sworn member Kailiani. Yay!

-Speaking of teams, having Nordenn run with Ash Forest. For so long I was the only AF member around and Nordenn always took me in. It was nice to be able to repay the favor.

-Nobility drama at its best. "Um, why do we need to wait to swear... is anybody actually considering NOT?" :) I'm dying to know how that meeting went.

-Seeing Redbeard! We met at my very first event, but I haven't seen him since. I think Ezri's changed just a weeeee bit lol.

-Singing around the fire circle. An actual fire is the only thing that would have made that better.

-Wrecking undead, swinging 12's as a SCHOLAR. Thank you dragon stamps. Oh, and Kailani dusting her first undead! Love it when a healer gets to make their first baddie go POOF.

-Having the Deadlands team visiting! "We're here to kill your undead, so just tell us what you need!" You guys were awesome.

-The most circularly frustrating conversation EVER with Tom as the Jade Skeleton.

-EPIC funeral for Amaranthus, thanks to our awesome NPCs! We told them it was going to be a funeral for a hero and told them to get dressed and get ready. They came up with a funeral dirge, and torches, and formations and wow. I was so proud to be a part of that. I hope it was a fitting send-off. But now I'm scared of the bar tab...
Oh, wow... where to EVEN begin. This weekend was amazing for so many reasons. Guess I'll try to keep it by category just to remember everything. This is in no way in order.

1.) The funeral. Victoria hardly knew Ameranthys (sorry for spelling), but the way the NPCs and Michelle handled that was so touching... I may actually have teared up a little.
Along the same lines, finding the Rise Once More sign and freaking out because Grim touched it added to the effect of the funeral for Victoria - it created an atmosphere of terror. First someone who seemed unkillable dies, now there's evil writing that hurts people... just wonderful.

2.) Getting Vicky drunk for the first time. Not nearly as entertaining as I had thought it might be, but the look on Simon's face while he tried to convince her that she should get another weapon or shield while she just wasn't cooperating was worth it. Along those lines, pre-logistics antics with string and prisons. I deserved that, but it was so funny. Heidi trying to get us to try ALL the shots. That was just great. Oh my gosh... some of the stuff was just too sweet to be real. Poor Damon... "Here, drink this!" "What is it?" "Just do it!" "O...kay..." and the face that followed. We do love you, it's just so much fun to torture you.

3.) ALL THE SINGING! AH~! Susie Lee, Michelle, Illana, (to some extent) Mike G, and the randoms who joined at any point, THANK YOU! That was quite possibly one of the absolute best moments of the weekend. Moving grit to keep bacon grease from becoming deadly is somewhat fun while singing, but the moments around the fire circle and in the tavern were wonderful. Ezri may convince Vicky that not all nobility is terrible if she keeps this up. :thumbsup: And trying so hard to interrogate that soldier only to have the daylights beaten out of me. Good job, NPC whose name I managed not to learn! Deciding to try to communicate just made things interesting. And hugging all the elves that came in. Trying to be comforting. That was a fun thing.

4.) Freaking. Tom. Just... all of the hilarious and thought-provoking dialogue... <3 That was way too much fun. Vicky might have been somewhat-okay-majorly freaked out when she figured out he was messing with her head, but Willow was sad to back out of that roleplay. SO MUCH FUN. Having someone understand and even better my analogies was an epic bonus and making some of the connections... Darn it, just... staaaahp, why does the Jade Skeleton have to be so charismatic?! Just... GAH! Also, props to Simon for the analogy for the stick house vs a well-built one for Ket. That more than anything explained to Vicky why necromancy was bad. You might just win this one.

5.) On the other side of that, all the feelings that the Jhantil plot brought up for Victoria... holy. freaking. cow. Thank you, Ithica, Raven, Ocean, for encouraging Vicky. She needs it. (I feel like I'm forgetting a character... it was dark, in my defense.) Also, for convincing Ruis that she should go even though she wasn't exactly "strong". The battle might not have been the toughest, but the emotions the resulting roleplay provoked were amazing. Thank you, Josh, for putting up with being sobbed hysterically on. And for simulating my inability to functionally carry you around. :sweat: And Mike and Diana for helping me not totally fry. And Amy for understanding. And Susie for writing things down. And the tavern for occasionally actually shutting up when Cole asked. And then Chad and Josh for making that ridiculously cool phys rep. Just... all things Jhantil-related were amazing and wonderful and... I'll just stop now. :D

6.) The keys puzzle. The mental work out was just easy enough it was more exciting than frustrating, but hard enough that it wasn't TOO easy to figure out and we were in danger of second guessing ourselves. WE THOUGHT WE HAD IT! And then... "KAILAAAAANIIIIIIIIIII!" Last minute panic of getting her there, the run across the field, getting into the Jade Skeleton's lair, thinking everything was booby-trapped and finding it to be perfectly safe... getting to land the killing blow, even if that wasn't the important part... being the only one in the room who didn't find what we were doing abhorrent (in-game)... watching everyone else in the room having freak-outs because of the whole "carving flesh" thing while Victoria was just mildly grossed out... having a skeleton stuck to me, getting sprayed with blood, coming out into the sunlight looking scandalized... having to write things down super-quick... The fact that everyone in that group was so in-character during and through closing ceremonies that it was tough to resurface... Just... yes.

SO MUCH MORE. There were so many awesome things going on, but this is all I can think of right now. Just... assume everything that happened was a good thing. :)
Ye Gawds, it's good to be PCing again. In no particular order:

-First thing upon coming in Ruis coming up to me and telling me that the MWEs might want to hurt me.

-Amaranthus' funeral and trying to figure out exactly what Kingdom he was posthuously knighted in.

-Leading a warband to sack the kitchen. Coffee was obtained, the staff capitulated without bloodshed and Flint got his first taste of banditry.

-Claiming the town by right of conquest and recieving tribute.

-Getting my sneak on, the key to effective sneaking is to be as obvious as possible.

-The evening noble's meeting, Bill's tirade about the Vakkar and passing along a certain message that managed to crush Nevin's spirits.

-PC reactions to Berrybucket's return. "Activate Capture"

-Meeting the Out of Towners and getting some quality RP in.

-Grim: What do you do?
Me: I'm a thief, I take things that people don't want me to have.
Grim: The Ash Forest could use one of those, I'll get you an introduction.

-Jackalope shenanigans

-Interactions with all the PCs. It's great to just be one of the guys again.

-Collin. Mutha#($*%%&. Babcock. He's gonna do just fine if this event was any indication.

he actually mentioned being able to pick locks that sparked the suggestion hehe
What. A. Weekend.

I can't even words. So much enjoyment. So much happiness. SO MUCH PAIN.

Let's see if I can pull my mind together for a moment. I know this is going to become novel-length ramblings, but y'all can deal, because THIS WEEKEND WAS AMAZING.

FIRSTLY, thank you NPCs!!!!!!!!!!! You are all really, truly amazing! There are SO MANY talented new (and of course veteran) folks who refuse to break character, always commit to role-play, and react in combat with the highest standard of imagination and immersion! WELL. DONE. I FREAKING LOVE YOU GUYS.

-Car ride shenanigans with Willow and Collin. Always a good time.
"A rose by any other name is STILL A F*-ING GOD."
"I want it to go down in history that the first thing I did as head of plot, my first serious undertaking as leader of this chapter... was throwing poop at the Vanguard."

-That said... THOMAS MOD. YES. Thank you so much for all the extra work that went in to this! I LOVE the opportunity to physically act out a write-up to figure out what really happened! And I can only imagine how amusing it must have been for Collin to hear: "Dude, she ... she just ate some of it." (How could you not expect an intoxicated Child of Autumn to want to INGEST FERTILIZER?! Makes me growwww! Feeble-ing my mind was a perfect and entirely amusing consequence!!!)

-MUSIC. ALL THINGS MUSIC. It is important for plot, character, bonding, roleplay, and atmosphere. I loved singing about Corrheim, singing folk songs and thus sharing travel stories, impromptu harmonizing (LANA AND AMY YOU ARE AMAZING.), playing instruments (BILL YOU ARE ALSO AMAZING), and using music as a tool for some serious therapy that had to happen. (Larien! We are more and more BFFs every day!!)

- Specifically, Mycos playing drums ((Hey did you guys know I really like him?! :D )), Ronka and Tinder dancing, and Larien and I singing. Another opportunity to act out and really live the experience we had this winter in our write-up. Thank you, guys. So amusing, so talented, so hilarious, so wonderful. I love Corrheim and I love traveling with you and I love role-play!

-Oh yeah, bee tee dubs, ALL THINGS VANGUARD. You all mean so much to me. We've done a lot of wonderful work to help a lot of people. We all have such different mentalities and roles and understandings and priorities... I love going on this crazy adventure with each and every one of you. We all bring something unique and wonderful to the table, and we blend it all together for awesome fun times. So much love, guys.

-Intense role-play and bonding with newer friends, Sevaria, Prolon, and Nadarin. Oh. My. Goodness. I really REALLY like playing with you folks. You three have quickly earned Alda's complete trust, respect, and admiration. I have a LOT to learn from each of you. Meditation techniques, how to effectively re-educate necromancers, fighting undead, caring for your home, understanding the finer points of chaos ... Seriously, Alda looks up to each of you so much. And I REALLY respect and appreciate your commitment to GOOD and CONSISTENT role-play!!! <3 Special thanks to Nadarin's forest walk RP time and the post-game Daddy/Mommy moments with Prolon/Sevaria. I hope we get to adventure together a whole lot more in the future!!

- Serious philosophical discussion. What is Chaos, and what is Necromancy? Oh, the book-nerd, Forest-loving scholar in me is SO SO HAPPY. Larien, Ag, and even that FILTHY SCUMBAG Jade Skeleton! ALSO, Victoria and Mycos! And even some with Ruis! AND a good chunk of discussion with Nadarin and Ocean... Wonderful food for thought this weekend!

-Any and all moments of little light-hearted game playing. Alda is still a CHILD of Autumn, and she adores things that lighten her mood and remind her of the time before the Great Sleep. Ocean's nose game, Dorian and Lairen line-wiggle-dancing, Mycos aura balancing... Games are an important part of who Alda is as well. Thanks, guys <3

-Any and all walks in the woods and tree-inspired solo music making. Monty, taking Woodridge down there with us was particularly great RP. Sincere thanks to anyone and everyone who indulges Alda in her need for peaceful walks and protects her as she wanders off making music and singing to trees.

-Backpacking Flint, watching him tear through undead, and being as helpful as possible with my own combat-aggressive magic too! I still feel like a huge noob with a lot left to learn in the fine art of backpacking, but I am gaining experience and a bit of confidence! Nothing was more amusing than binding one, then seeing it try to break line of sight and thus taking off running after it going "I'm watching you, you scum! You won't escape! Someone cut this down, now! ... That's right, you don't run from me, filth!!!"

-And yeah, being one of the keys on Sunday meant I never got to use my Earth Storm, but destroying 4 undead the day before felt soooooo good. Combat Healer FTW!!!

-So about that... BEING ONE OF THE KEYS ON SUNDAY. I don't even know where to start with all these thoughts and emotions. The Jade Skeleton is a beautifully constructed villain (TOM YOU ROCK.) and everything about that final situation struck a chord that tore into Alda in the deepest, most depressing way possible. She hates acting hastily. (Like...even more than Treebeard does. Hroom, hm!) She has relentless self-doubt and hates making decisions. She values sharing information and views collective knowledge as of the utmost importance. She is a zealot against necromancy. And what happened? She was forced to make a quick decision based on misinformation that ended up helping a necromancer and restoring power to chaos. Oh, and did I mention that she had a younger sister with her? So she's misled her kin and let down everyone. Basically destroyed the world and failed all her friends. WELP. I'LL BE SOBBING IN THE WOODS FOR THE REST OF MY LIFE UNTIL I KILL MYSELF. KBYE. Larp plot, YOU'RE DOING IT RIGHT. I HATE YOU AND I LOVE YOU.

I bet there is more that I'm forgetting, but I'm too broken by thinking about the weekend's conclusion to say anything else. SO MUCH RP IS GONNA HAPPEN, GUYS.

<3 <3 <3 <3 <3
I began this weekend covering PCs in poop and I ended it by covering more in blood.

suffice it to say, I feel accomplished.

thank you to everyone who donated, pitched in, and made the weekend not only possible, but great. the amount of roleplay I got was surprising and simply awesome. dame vacht will be back, ashbury. count on it.

oh, and I only had to pull two splinters out of myself! I call that a success.
This was the best event I have ever attended at HQ. Period. There are too many favorite moments to describe, but here are just a few things:

--The Thomas Mod. What a fun way to start the game. It should go down as the most disgusting yet delicious module EVER.

--Vanguard. I am so lucky to be a part of this team, and having so many of us present made it even better!

--Donna Hellmuth. The confrontation with Dona Bezznia was such a defining moment for Larien, she will never be the same. I'm so glad I got to have that interaction with you.

--Mouse. Kathy, I am so honored that I got a chance to RP with you this weekend. I've learned that Larien and Mouse are kindred spirits in so many ways. It was as if Mouse learned more about Larien in a few days than most know about her after years of adventuring. It was such a pleasure to finally get a chance to talk to you more.

--Monty. I don't think you realize how much of an accordion-strum stick-mandolin playing rockstar you are. I adore every moment I get to spend with you in-game.

--Dorian. Sam, it's always fun to see where this thing is going to go. Every time Larien tries to convince herself that Dorian wants nothing to do with her, he ends up reeling her right back in. I still don't get it, and I guess I never will. So complicated, so awkward. It is always a highlight of my weekend.

--Alda. Oh, Susie. The music, the philosophical conversations... just everything. The BFF love is totally mutual.

--Vinny. The look on his face when I resurrected was just heart wrenching. Like I kicked his puppy.

--JP's Sarr. I missed Gregor so much this event, but this guy is a good substitute :)

--The Jade Skeleton. Tom Wilson you were SO perfect in this role. And the late night "lesson" was something I'll never forget. Even if he was lying through his teeth.

--Mr. Collin Babcock. You delivered, sir. I was so torn as to which game I wanted to attend, and now I wouldn't have traded this for the world. I really felt like I got to be a play a part in this weekend. A great start to the season, and I can't wait for you to continue to break my heart.

And there is SO much more... I can't even think of it all. Thank you to everyone!
Weekend Favorites:

-Hanging with the Ladies of the Ash Forest, and watching the new ones growing right before my eyes. From needing to find a teacher and realizing just about the only person I could think of was Erden, to watching Kailani just sponge. Listen folks, Between what Simon and Ezri can teach her I am giddy to see what happens.

- Putting an idea in the ear of a knight who give it to a Duke who makes the Celestial Circle workable again.

- Getting to cast my first Formal. Yep, that's right, my first. And realizing I need to keep rules sets straight!

- Teaching moments, and a first time celestial scholar hitting the target on one of the most difficult throwing angles I know of.

- Making sandwiches with Ocean
- Making sandwiches with Dorian

- Turning "The Robot" into a fighting style

- Killing monsters with laughter

- Unscaled modules, and my under 7th level team mate who stayed up the whole time! I do not care if the target died, when half the party falls everything dies!

- All the young NPC's. Great game all of you, hope to see you again and frequently!

- Sitting in a shadow and hearing people ask where I was and listening to them being told "no he's fine" Its gonna get me killed, I just know it. But its funny till then.

- Looking forward until May! See you all then.

Joe Siegel
Resident Jerk
Some favorites:

- All the PC interaction. Several of us made a commitment this year to spend all of our time at game actually in-game and be IC as much as we're able. I'd say it was a rousing success, and brought about some seriously good roleplay.

- Makin' dryads cry. Weirdly, this is not the first time Sevaria has made people cry and it will not be the last. The more she hangs around Fairdale, the more she's realized it's changed -- and the more she can do to help with some Tough Love.

- The food. Yes please.

- Speech time! Thank you for listening to Sevaria's crap speech about her crap home that she really doesn't want to get any worse.

- Roleplaying bad guys to death. I am 100% for plot teams that allow for PC innovation and let their players find different ways to get to a solution. I love it when plot teams let me play in their sandbox and help build a castle instead of making one for me. Keep it up and I can promise you I will keep coming back.

Hopefully I'll see you jerks next month!
What an event. Ok.. here goes in no uncertain order.

1. Thomas mod...Every inside joke and dwarven sterotype in one splatter coated, pants losing, dryad poo eating mod. My shoes still smell like pudding..the red gelatin was disturbing.
2. Rolling with Dorian again. Its funny how we compliment each other in so many ways. even masterful planning and debating the codde in our actions. We sir shall have good times.
3. The Vanguard. Guys and ladies. You make this game for me. I am supremely lucky to have friends like youa dn Grims lucky you guys let him stick around.
4. Watching folks on the team act as a unit no matter whom is giving commands and filling in their rolls.
6. Jossh and crew running logistics very well
7. Collins first even
8. winning every staring contest even against the jade skeleton
9. Vanguard stupid oclock shennanigans.
10. Dryad girls kicking ***
11. Noble meetings
12. "private chat" with Kendrick...
13. Sir nevin drinking dwarven whisky
14. Guilded claw!
15. Getting initiated into the celestial circle. A whole new aspect of the game there and new allies and friends.
16. Late night mastermind plots with Kogara whilst I washed dishes.
17. Washing dishes cause we made a mess. Sounds silly but when i realized how much work we may have caused others I was glad to clean it up
18. 9/10 shots in the name of amaranthus.. certain facts subject to change
19. watching my friends enjoy themselves
20. the donna/scotty/ collin team. Seriously an epic trio for a weekend
Standby for gratuitous gratitude...

Donna Hellmuth, for sanity.
Scott Babcock, for strength.
Kyle Spriggle, for support.
Todd Navas, for training.
Amy Resele, for faith.
Joe Siegel, for prowess.
Michelle Stagnitta, for kindness.
Tim Curry, for humor.
Chad Winters, for aid.
Bill Gibbs, for sustenance.
Angel Belford, Willow Achtermann, and Doug Pasko, for arduous labor.
Scott Kondrk, for coaching.
Mike Ventrella, for focus.
Tom Wilson, for being sooooooo damned good.
Kelsey Derosiers, Sean Metzler, Evan Tessier, Samara Martin, Tim Cray, and all other long-trekkers who gave us a chance.
The Binghamton Crew for youthful energy.
Every NPC and Every fencehopper.

Each and every one of you, for a life worth living.

Gratitude matrix overheating. Entering sleep mode.

Collin Babcock, Head of Plot
Oh man. This weekend was so much fun!

Okay so! NPCs! Thank you guys so much for...
A)Being who you are and having fun with all the stuff plot threw at you.
B)Following the basket rule and keeping the closet clean and neat.

So now here we go.

~Being with my team! Blythdale seems to be getting a bit of a grove going. We're starting to manage working together quite well!

~R & R. No not Rest and Relaxation. It is Red and Ronka. The undead slaying team that blew through that crypt. Can't believe that there was only one level left. I'm so mad about that!

~RITUALS! We managed to pull together the components for not only one Vision ritual but three! Granted we cast two of them. I'm so glad that Collin flew with it cause it made for a very emotional moment for Red when she found the Imladari Elves half starved in the Alchemy lab. I'm glad that Korhwyn just ran with it when Red came running up to the cabin and said "We need to go NOW!" thanks everyone that went on that. It was great. Chad and Joe thanks for casting the Rituals for me.

~Ronka walking up to the cabin and handing Red a handful of protection potions. Red was soooooo confused but the gesture made her feel very grateful towards him.

~Lone undead walking into the tavern. Half of you jumped me while the other half sat back down and laughed.

~My little merchant. That was fun. I can't believe I managed to sell everything I brought out there.

~The last wave battle was a good time. I really enjoyed it and had a great time defending people.

Everyone I'm so happy that you all were there. I missed you all so much.

My one dislike was that I sprained my ankle. But It's on the mend and will be better soon.
First and foremost I just want to thank you guys for putting on such an awesome event for my first, with that said in no particular order a few of my most memorable things were-

- firstly the family atmosphere you guys have established where you can just drop all your problems at the door, team up, and have an awesome weekend.

- I'm thankful for Kyle not killing me when I " pollinated" his new artifact shield

- Ithaca getting all the MWE drunk at the bar and sending Ronka into a fruit induced break dance fit.

- the pseudo tornado that turned the poor yurt ( or however you spell it) into wooden confetti which then lead to the plethora of cheeky yurt jokes like " yurt not going to believe what just happened " or the undead " I rise from the yurt1, I rise from the yurt2, I rise from the yurt 3.... We want our yurt back!"

-the "Dryad problems" rant and the poor poor stone elf

- Ronka's rendition of " little bunny foo foo and the jade skeleton"

-all of the really awesome in depth RP

I'm sure I'm forgetting so much more but I just wanted to say thanks again to everyone for making my first event so awesome and I hope to see everyone out there at the next one
Great event to kick off the new season!

In no particular order...

Getting to see all your faces again after so many months, I feel like my excitement for the game really kicks on when I see everybody else at site.

Josh Berit. Man, you kill it with logistics. Sometimes I think you're already responding to emails before I send them to you.

NPCs. You're all great. You made the weekend. I hope you all had fun!

Tom... nailed the Jade Skeleton role. Great job!

Squire work, this escalated quickly.

Great roleplay with all the nobles. Particularly Eric. I'm glad I got the opportunity to chat with you in game on multiple occasions.

I was excited that the other nobles were interested in Dorian's refugee camp plans. It's something that could have been blown off because it happens off stage but it was great to see people taking it seriously IG.

Plots and Plans with Kyle. Some were serious (save the world), others were not (SHHHHHHHHHH! Run!).

Great story, fun event, yay Collin.

Seeing Toddo PC (bonus). Seeing a Vakkar PC(double bonus).

Being Human. Also the jokes that followed.

Lots of hangouts with Amy, staying in the healers guild. You should have seen the look on my face when Larien dissipated.

Blythedale, I had a lot of fun hanging out with you guys this weekend.

Vanguard, always there for good times.

Monty, I can't describe how happy the classy owl's presence made me.

Everyone who worked really hard to improve the site over the off-season. Great job folks.

Donna, kicking major butt both on stage and off.

Justin, always good for a killer, uplifting speech.

Patrick, JP and Cole - Great company for a long car ride!

Joe and Toddy, I had a lot of fun flanking the enemies all weekend with you guys. It's fun to get behind the enemy lines and see other friends there!

Mike, the trap mod was a lot of fun. I thought the setup was incredible. Thanks so much for doing that, I was just watching and I had a blast!

Scotty - you were all over getting all sorts of stuff done, up fighting early and still hooking mods late at night.

Lord Berry-Bucket. I missed the home event, I'm glad I got a small taste of it.

Bill's food. Great as usual.

Being stuck to the table. That table is quite comfy.

Theory time with Simon and Ocean. There were good talks had. Crazy theories thought up and great roleplay all around.

Watching Sean run up behind an NPC and yell boo while it was fighting another PC. That was hilarious and effective.

Copious IG drinking.

Okay, I'm going to cut myself off there. I had an amazing time. Everyone I interacted with was a big part of that. I can't wait to see everyone again soon!
Had a great time!

thanks plot, npc's and people behind the scenes.

"Talkin Tree's... that don't make no damn sense"

Breaking yet another stone elf to laugh!

Drinking in the name of amanrathas! Shots are on the queen.. hell ya. Dryad ask Ithica what in the shot? "Tree sap, drink up". Creepy Mwe guy ask whats in the shot "liquid creepy sauce drink up". Pelanor, was like am i old enough to drink? "how old r you? 17? Yep you're old enough take the shot". And i think it was Ket, who asked , whats in the shot " Liquid arrows Ket, drink" Good fun all.

Speaking of Ket, what a great guy. Man Ithica felt so helpless when i saw you wipping arrows and running from undead since the arrows had no effect. I had to do something mate, enjoy the Bow!

Good conversations and fighting along side dorian.

Good RP with so many people, had a blast everyone thank you very much. Michelle, Kyle, All the guys on B-dale, and so many others.

All good ooc and dinner with team blythedale, and the shannies in the cabin.

Flint and Tinder and monty and the rest of you. Awesome time guys, great conversation with Kyle as Grim saturday nite. Prowd of you man with how far you have come with Grim!

I love Simon, this guy is just so direct to the point, and is guaranteed to help you focus and see things more clearly.

"Go take another 400 year dirt nap"

Raven, Aubry and his Dryad friend with the bird on his hat. what a good time with some of our interactions.

FINALLY after 39 levels, and 12 years of playing Ithica, ALCHEMY! , who knew it was this easy sometimes.

Dagger throwing slays :)

And i gotta say my sit down with Dorian and the Duke was really something. RP'ing with both of you was great. Thanks for the good conversation.

Had a lot of fun, happy to move forward with HQ.

Making Bill smile by honoring Amanrathasas with stories of courage, heroism, and friendship to many pc's. Hard to think its been 10 years Billy.

Being asked "Are you a Barbarian yet?" , man i gotta a better chance of winning the silver medal in womans long jump at the next olympics then ever finding that race change set.

and Big thanks to Donna, showing another Door and challenge which only seemed the clearest of coarse for Ithica.

See you all soon, thanks those of you who bought some of my Armor. It goes a long way.

As promised on facebook here we go:

First off what a plot starter for the year by Master Colin. "Here's the big bad...No No No can't touch him!" weekend goes by "Good job, you help a necromancer!" I think Ronka wants to kick himself (along with everyone else) in the face.

Dance off with Tinder! I may have pulled every muscle in my body but damn that was fun.

Ronka decided that he is "half-way dead" and its time to choose a mate:

R and R, all things Angel! So much RP and so much fun watching an undead hunting simple minded ogre attempt to impress undead kicking fancy elf lady. (you heard me say that in Ronka's voice didn't you :-P)

My team, To the red and black, just wow! Jcoggs taking the voice on the field at the end i had chills!

Friday night poker with Mike v. and twitchy! so much fun!!!!

TUSK TALK! with Evan omg it was great just randomly "YOU KNOW! OH YOU KNOW!

OMG MY ORIGINAL FAMILY! The Gilded Claw! even though i was playing a different character i still spent so much time with them!

BREAKING ALEX! Danny and I just bouncing back and forth and looking over and seeing an Alex stone elf crying from laughing "Wake me up from a dead sleep throw me in a building made of my brothers and sisters, hell I'm gunna paralyze a human and make myself a coffee table!" I laughed so hard I peed myself it was great!

The crypt zomg so much fun being the "Tank" in that situation!

Ronka warming up to Vicki and accepting her affection! It was so much fun RP!

Hanging out with Bill in the kitchen while prepping for Saturday's dinner! Only love working in the kitchen with Bill!

Ronka's "Go Juice" I hope everyone loved how I RP'ed that ^.^ it was so much fun loved it!

RP with the dryads all weekend because Ronka finally realized that the two races have A LOT in common.

I don't do this very often but I have my favorite NPC for the weekend. May, she was amazing I saw here EVERYWHERE I swear this girl NEVER slept! And what a fighter! she gave it her all and really made me work! thanks sweetie for some awesome fights!

Some sweet heated RP with Mike G! Dude you have my love, just saying <3\

Sneaky Vakkar!

and Finally something happen this weekend that was the first time happening in the 11 years (off and on) I've been playing this game. When I was 17 years old a high school friend got me interested in this game and i started playing. Up until this event we have never pc'ed on the same team together. Either one of use didn't show or were playing a different character or NPC'ing. For the first time Justin and were on the same team at the same time, Fighting side by side. Honestly guys this is a true dream come true for me. It made my weekend. No matter what happen this is the memory about this weekend that is sticking in my head the most. Thanks brother for an awesome time!

Im sure there is more but I still beat and I have work in the morning so Im going to bed!

Gotta love 6 day work weeks after an event!

Here are my favorites in no particular order...

1. HQ staff! Way to go guys, we came together and not only knocked out our first event, but we handled dire rats, major construction, and a bunch of cleaning. We also started at a good time and ended at a GREAT time. Well done! Can't wait for May!
2. Seeing the Blythedale team continue to come together! Love seeing all that blue and white!
3. Hanging out with Ithaca again. Stupid o'clock was fun as usual.
4. Watching all of the players enjoy themselves. Ultimately this is my main goal at every event!
5. Horseloads, nay boatloads, nope to small, how about planet loads of volunteerism leading up to the event and all weekend. This is what makes my job worth doing. Thank you to everyone who helped out in anyway no matter how small. This game and this staff could not function with out you.
6. Seeing my Baron back in full force and also being given my two estates! Yay for Grey Hills and Two Towers!
7. Leading the town in battle! I had a great time doing this and although challenging we managed to fight well as large unit. Very few people were taken down when we were working together.
8. I also really enjoyed RP with Squire Dorian and Sgt. Flint. Dorian was really coming into his own and Flint is just a great person to have around. I look forward to leaning on both of you again!

9. And lastly letting out the next BBG. Just great...I am the only noble in town and bam...we let out the new dominion or something equally crappy. Thanks Colin. In all seriousness that's great roleplaying and I can't wait to play it out.

Can't wait to see everyone in May!!!
Late favorites are better than no favorites at all, right? :D

AWESOME EVENT WAS AWESOME! Woah! I think this is to date my all-time favorite Alliance event. There were many factors to that, but I had a ridiculously good time. Even the bad times (IG) were good times (OOG)!

First and foremost, a HUGE thank you to the NPCs and staff for making this all happen! I can't stress enough how awesome it is to have NPCs who are as enthusiastic and in-character as the PCs. Really, you guys make the game.

Favorites, not in any order:
- Pre-game mod! Ohhhh Thomas.
- Ben and Will's townies. Great backstories, great accents! And then the apprentice merchantry! "Now these next items may not exactly be, ah, legal... but can I interest you in a Cure Disease potion?" "... why would you think this is illegal? Cure Disease."Oh you bumbling commoners!
- Had a good time doing some Mage's Guild stuff! Being able to identify items is neat!
- Learning 6 Circle Celestial from Grim. Some good RP and a fun new way to think about magic. Very different style from Ren's Kyrelian (sp?) meditations.
- Ithica, you are a beast on the battlefield and generous too! Thank you again for the out-of-nowhere, "Hey kid, want a 3-year Earth bow?" Highly highly highly appreciated; Ket's in your debt.
- <d'aww> Susie Lee. I mean come on, she's my favorite person so of course she makes my favs. But really though, I'm awed by the level of effort and enthusiasm you bring to Alda and your constant IG-ness. </d'aww>
- Ronka! You're freakin' awesome!
- Good times with the Vanguard. Hard decision is hard, and still developing.
- Everything Jade Skeleton. Tom, you rocked (and I imagine will continue to rock, due to your successful manipulations) as him! Props to Collin and whoever helped write the plotline, you read the PCs like a book! Also, being a direct part of the plotline's always fun. Now I have TWO evil forces messing with my head.
- Speaking of, thanks Zatarina and Vox for some cool mind-ability roleplay! Never done that before, super fun! Not sure I particularly enjoyed it IG, though. :D
- Some good forest time with Monty and Alda. And Woodridge.
- Astokir! Thankya, Gilded Claw!
- Raven! You're really friendly! Thanks for teaching me more about general magic stuffs!
- Food was amazing. I want another plate of those mashed potatoes, mmmmmmmmm.
- Lord Berrybucket and the "activate capture." Hahahaha!
- Random tavern music! Monty, you kill it widdat squeezebox! And the janglies!

Can't wait till next event!
First I wanna say thank you to the hq plot and all the npcs that weekend! I was one of the best event I have ever attended :D
In no logical order;
- coming back to hq after 9 months of being gone and seeing old friends and making new ones.
- several new people asking if im a healer , and the older players laughing as I said "yes , I hope" or "yes, I try"
- My team Gilded Claw, we rock! Pulling an old player of of retirement and bringing in a new one at the same time.
- getting to defend our own side of the battle several times.
- the trap mod fun creepy and scary all at the same time
- The look on Dame Ezri face when she realized who we had brought with us, and their reminiscence of her first event.
- tavern food was AWESOME, thanks Bill!
- Trying to stay away from the jade skeleton, if I cant kill him I want nothing to do with him until I can kill him.
- All thing Cypress , pollinating grim , do not pollinate alda, "well shes off the pollination list", "aww what a cute bird on you hat" , Cypress " you would say that because he isn't shitting on your face"
- ronka , cypress combo - mission break the stone elf until he spontaneously race changes.
- Vox your awesome
- All things Ronka , Juice , his courtship of a certain elf, Chris struggling to keep ronka away from the gilded claw.. didn't work .
- Archer battles.. and for the first time not being charged at while shooting my bow.
- sadly the yurt death , during the crazy wind storm, but Collin rising from the yurt ,yelling "YURT!" was too funny
- larian spontaneous resurrection, middle of the day surrounded by friends , sun shinning people laughing , "larian dissipates .. WTF...
- Astikier , and the drunk young elf .
- Tavern time with ithica always fun.
- Hanging out with Flint
- Grim and all the Vangard.
- 5 am bee hunt.
- Kogara and the great escape from the creepy mwe.
- rp with nordenns new Squire dorian .. or as we call him stinky fruit human.. some times elves have a hard time remembering name .. lol
- lastly letting.. no helping the necromancer complete his land bond... go us.